Preparación Hoy es lunes , el 29 de agosto de 2016 Today is Monday, August 29 , 2016 DUE NOW: (As soon as entering class to fill out: Review day before) Write your name and write how it sounds with the Spanish alphabet Patrick pe a te ere ce ka Write in Spanish: Write what is your name? ¿Cómo te llamas? = Answer: My name is ……. Me llamo ….. .
Homework for next class . Know well the days of the week with correct spelling by practice writing them Remember they are in lower case and first day of the week in the Spanish calendar is Monday. (not Sunday) use flashcards. Learn how to use Quizlet-com Realidades 1 Para Empezar On search type numbers Spanish 1-31 Practice writing the numbers 1-31
Learning Targets mean what students are going to learn for the day. SWBAT (students will be able to) I can greet people and leave people in a polite way Practice asking How are you? in the formal and informal. I can introduce myself to someone at different time of the day. Groups greet at different time of day I can count up to 31 with the help of graphic organizer Practicing with ipads or white board I can use a calendar to communicate Listen to Days of the week song
Agenda Due Now (attendance) Collection of Classroom in Excellence. Due Now (attendance) Collection of Classroom in Excellence. Listen to greetings : ways to say you are feeling good or bad ways to say good-bye Formal and informal Practice pairs and practice in groups names Practice Greetings in the morning, afternoon and evening Learn numbers 1-31 and how to spell them (1 = uno) Learn days of the week EXIT TICKET Agenda
¿Cómo te llamas? = What is your name? Me llamo ….. My name is …… (say your name)
Spanish Pronunciation of alphabet (for Y = i griega, r= ere , rr= erre, v= ve, doble ve=w)
Números de 0 a 31 0 cero 1 uno 11 once 21 veinti uno 2 dos 12 doce 0 cero 1 uno 11 once 21 veinti uno 2 dos 12 doce 22 veintidós 3 tres 13 trece 23 veintitrés 4 cuatro 14 catorce 24 veinticuatro 5 cinco 15 quince 25 veinticinco 6 seis 16 dieciséis 26 veintiseis 7 siete 17 diecisiete 27 veintisiete 8 ocho 18 dieciocho 28 veintiocho 9 nueve 19 diecinueve 29 veintinueve 10 diez 20 veinte 30 treinta 31 treinta y uno
Días de la semana In Spanish start with lunes and is lower case