Odyssey of the Mind …an international educational program whose mission is to provide Creative Problem-Solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college.
Odyssey of the Mind Waiver Any student who is placed on a team must have a signed waiver returned to Mr. Anderson before they will be allowed to participate in Odyssey of the Mind activities.
Long Term Problem Categories Mechanical/Vehicle Teams design, build and operate vehicles of various size and with various power sources. Sometimes they drive the vehicles, and sometimes the vehicles perform tasks, such as overcoming obstacles or visiting other "countries" to retrieve artifacts.
Long Term Problem Categories Technical Performance Teams make innovative contraptions and incorporate artistic elements into their solutions. They might be asked to write an original musical score to play on a "new" type of instrument, or to build a robot with human characteristics, or to perform tasks using a chain reaction of snapping mousetraps.
Long Term Problem Categories Classics The theme of this problem is based on the classical -- from literature to architecture to art. Whether it's writing an additional chapter to Moby Dick or bringing paintings to life, it's always a terrific learning experience.
Long Term Problem Categories Structure Teams design and build structures, using only balsa wood and glue. They test them by supporting and holding as much weight as possible -- sometimes more than a thousand pounds! Teams present a skit as part of the Style presentation.
Long Term Problem Categories Performance In this problem, teams present performances that revolve around a specific theme and incorporate required elements. Past themes include "morphing" objects, animals that express human emotions, and originating folktales.
Odyssey Participation Fee: $100 per team member Costs Odyssey Participation Fee: $100 per team member
Costs Odyssey Participation Fee Covers: School Membership $135 for first membership, $100 each additional membership Competition Day Registration: $225 per team Team Materials: $125 or $145, depending on team problem
Costs Team Responsibilities: World Finals: If a team qualifies: 2015 OM World Finals team spent in the range of $1,300-$1400 per person. World Finals costs are not covered by the school.
How are teams formed? Factors: Student Interest & Availability Coach Availability Priority given in the following order: Child of a coach Student who participated in the previous full season New student to Odyssey Expressing interest does not guarantee placement on a team
Important Dates for All September 26th Final due date for student interest and coaching forms All forms must be received by this date for possible team placement. Remember, submitting a form does not guarantee team placement.
Important Team Dates November 10, 2018 (optional) Odyssey Day - FREE Time: 9:00am to 12:15pm Location - TBD
37th Annual CT State Tournament Time – 8AM start (early, long day) Important Team Dates March 16, 2019 37th Annual CT State Tournament Time – 8AM start (early, long day) Location – TBD Possible semi-finals will depend on the number of registered teams. This will be determined in mid-January 2019.
Location: Michigan State University*, *according to past experience Important Team Dates May th– th (if necessary) World Finals Location: Michigan State University*, *according to past experience
Important Coaching Dates Coach Training *Strongly Suggested* October 27, 2018 or January 12, 2019 Location: TBD
Important Coaching Dates Coaching World Finals Meeting (if necessary) *Mandatory* May 23, 2019 Time, & Location: TBD
Coaches 2 per team (ideally) Needs Coaches 2 per team (ideally)
Coaching Responsibilities District Screening Attend coaches training Guidance, Encouragement, & Teach Skills Handle team $ Logistics – Team Meetings, Reserve space at WIS, Competition Paperwork Recruit 1 Judge and 1 Volunteer (coach & parents)
www.ctom.org www.odysseyofthemind.org More Information www.ctom.org www.odysseyofthemind.org
ruddanderson@westonps.org OM in the subject line My E-mail ruddanderson@westonps.org OM in the subject line