The Odyssey Book Twenty One
Book Twenty One The great bow and arrow that Penelope plans to use in the marriage test, was given to Odysseus by Iphites. This gift of the bow and arrow was stored in a room in the palace. It was greatly treasured by the hero. Penelope removes the weapon from its storeroom and brings it to the great hall. We get a complete run down of the weapon’s history and origins. This bow was given to Odysseus by a Spartan called Iphitus. Odysseus met him when he was at Messina retrieving some sheep that had been stolen from Ithaca and carried away by the Messenians. Iphitus was looking for some missing mares. Incidentally it was the same Iphitus that Heracles killed when he was a guest of the king. After he had killed Iphitus; Heracles took the kings horses with him. Hercules was punished for this Xenoi by being sold to the queen of Lydia as a slave.
Book Twenty One Penelope brings the bow and axes down to the hall. She tells the suitors that she will marry the man who can string the bow and fire an arrow through twelve axe heads. Telemachus sets down the 12 axeheads in a trench. Telemachos encourages the suitors to come forward and try their luck with the bow. He even tries to string the bow three times but this proves unsuccessful.
Book Twenty One The first suitor, Leodos, tries to string the bow but fails. He declares that the task is going to break the spirit of many a champion in the hall. They even try to grease the bow with some fat to make the task easier but this fails. Meanwhile, in order to enlist support for the battle ahead, Odysseus reveals himself to Eumeaus and to Philoetius, who stand outside the hall, by showing them his scar. After they hug and embrace each other, he gives them jobs to do.
Book Twenty One He gives Philoetius instructions to bolt the courtyard doors. He also gives instructions for the maids to be bolted in their rooms and ignore any cries they hear from the hall. Eumaeus is instructed to hand the bow over to him, when all of the suitors had failed to string it. Odysseus returns indoors to witness the failure of Eurymachos to string the bow. After the suitors fail the test they drink wine and offer libations to the Gods. Odysseus asks to be given a chance to string the great bow. Antinous tells him to be quiet and insults Odysseus for making this request.
Book Twenty One Penelope is sent to her room by Telemachus, who says to her that the issue of the bow is men’s business. He wants her away from the hall – the battle is imminent. Eurymachos and Telemachus allow the beggar (Odysseus) to try his luck with the bow and it is handed to him. Eumaeus takes the bow, walks to Odysseus and gives him the bow, under a torrent of abuse from the suitors.
Book Twenty One He also tells Eurycleia to keep the women in their rooms and ignore any noise they may hear from the hall. Eurycleia locks the door of the great hall and Philoteius bolts the door to the courtyard. Odysseus holds the bow; inspecting and testing it for a while- effortlessly he strings the bow. The astonished suitors are confounded: “the colour faded from their cheeks”. Odysseus then proceeds to shoot an arrow through the axe heads. Telemachos gets up and draws his spear. He goes over beside Odysseus. Father and son beside each other, armed for the conflict.
Book Twenty One: Important Points Note the preparations for the battle outside the hall. The complete ignorance and stupidity of the suitor’s contrasts sharply with the cunning preparation of Odysseus. Note how Penelope defends the right of the beggar (Odysseus) to try his luck with the bow, which he completes effortlessly. Does she suspect the beggar is actually the great Odysseus?