Shared Facilities ‘dream or nightmare? Notes from my experience with WestSide PAC, at Mooroopna Secondary College’
WestSide PAC, Mooroopna 420 seats proscenium arch theatre Fly tower Orchestra Pit Built in 1997 Cost $3.5 m Funded by MSC, State Government, Local Government and Public Donations
WestSide PAC, Mooroopna Promised to serve both the community’s needs and the school’s. What ARE those needs? Whose core business is presenting professional performing arts? What other core business can a PAC serve?
WestSide PAC, Mooroopna What the School needs: A teaching and learning space A space for its events and performances An assembly space An income source An ‘edge’ over its competitors
WestSide PAC, Mooroopna What the Council needs: A theatre for presentation of professional performing arts A theatre for community arts practitioners and performances A ‘hall for hire’ An income source An ‘edge’ over its competitors
Shared Facilities Issues Ownership and control Bookings and programming Purchase and maintenance of fitout and equipment OH&S and risk management Buiklding maintenance and asset management Security and insurances Managing clashing needs and demands/expectations.
Shared Facilities FAQ ‘Can a PAC make money from presenting shows?’ ‘How many seats should it have?’ ‘Do you need a fly tower? … a pit?’ ‘How do we get money from the government?’
Shared Facilities FAQ ‘To operate as a PAC, what staff are needed and what do they *cost?’ Management $65k Technical $45k Marketing $50k Admin $45k Ticketing $45k *costs shown are ‘ball park’ only
Shared Facilities Expenses Income What money can you make from presenting a show? Typical ‘ball park’ show *budget Expenses Income Show fee $3000 Ticket sales Staff (tech/FOH) $800 (150 @ $30) $4500 Marketing $1000 GAL $1100 Venue costs $500 Ticketing $300 TOTAL $5600 TOTAL $5600 *Budgeted on 50% of full house to break even, inc GAL
Shared Facilities Central questions to be asked in the workshop: What does a school get from having a PAC on site? (What value does it provide in terms of achieving its core business?) What does Local Government get from having a PAC in the Shire? (What value does it provide in terms of achieving its core business?) What advantages does a school get from providing a building serving the needs of the community? What advantages does Council get from using a school building to meet its community service objectives? What does each partner lose in the arrangement? What’s a sustainable management and operational model? What is needed from each partner to make it viable?