Children and Young People at Risk AUSTEUR – AAPPT Module- 7
Meta Statements I have done the child protection training. I am aware of confidentiality issues. I can bring an important community perspective. Many students come to me when they have issues. I am well versed in looking for evidence of abuse. I often talk to teachers about children who are at risk. We have high expectations of the care the school provides to students. The school has programs to address sugar and other dietary issues. I will always go the extra mile to help children who are at risk. I keep my eyes and ears open to make sure I do not miss anything.
I have done the child protection training. Explanation I have had my obligations under the Child Protection Act explained to me. I understand that the Act exists to protect children from harm. I am thoroughly aware of what I am supposed to do. Demonstration/Practice I am aware that I have to report cases where I reasonably believe the child is in danger. I know I have to record the date What happened – the incident Action taken –what I did
I can bring an important community perspective Explanation I am from the community and so I bring an insider’s perspective. Demonstration/Practice I have a lot of information on the children, their families and others in the community. I share my knowledge with the teacher and the Principal to help the child the family and the community. 'Coming Home' Beverley Grant, 2007. .
Many students come to me when they have issues. Explanation I understand it is important to be open and friendly with all the students. Demonstration/Practice I always take the time to greet and to listen to the children. I am very careful to look for signs that show the child wants to talk to me even if they are finding it difficult.
I am aware of confidentiality issues. Explanation In my job I will come across information which will be of value but which can be dangerous if it becomes publicly available at the wrong time and in the wrong place. I understand people have a right to privacy. Demonstration/Practice I am fully aware of the need to keep information confidential because of the harm that can be caused by carelessness or thoughtless gossip. I am especially careful about any written records I keep. I do not gossip about the children or information I have about parents. I can be trusted with information and use the information I have in an ethical way. I do none harm.
I am well versed in looking for evidence of abuse. Explanation I understand the different kinds of abuse –sexual, physical, emotional and neglect. Children who are being abused can show signs of this abuse. Demonstration/Practice If a child shows signs of harm, including self-harm, I will take action. I will not ignore what I see or what I hear or what I read. Things that I would act on include inappropriate knowledge about sex for their age, disclosure of abuse, fear of being along, unexplained bruises, welts and broken bones, signs of malnutrition, hunger, stealing food etc I will talk to the teacher and ensure that the matter is reported to the Principal.
I often talk to teachers about children who are at risk. Explanation Looking after children who are at risk is an important part of the work I do. Demonstration/Practice If I see some of the signs of sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect then this becomes part of the professional conversation that I have with the teacher. We both see it as an important part of our work. The teacher and I observe the children carefully and we know what a healthy, happy child looks like and when there are signs that the child may be at risk.
The school has programs to address sugar and other dietary issues Explanation The school is concerned with the whole child and not just academic issues. We know about the importance of diet and how it can effect a child’s ability to study and do their school work. Demonstration/Practice We all know about the importance of a child having a good diet. We discuss this regularly in class. I try to give good example to the children when it comes to exercise and eating. We know that sugar is addictive so we discourage the use of foods and soft drinks that have high sugar content. We make sure that healthy food is more available than harmful food.
I will always go the extra mile to help children who are at risk. Explanation I know that Education Qld does not tolerate the abuse of children. Demonstration/Practice I keep my eyes and ears open. I know what is going on and I am especially alert to the possibility that something might be causing harm to the children in my care.
We have high expectations of the care the school provides to students Explanation The care that the school provides to the children will be directly related to what they expect the children can achieve. Historically expectations of Indigenous students have been very low. We are now in a different period. The expectations of Indigenous children are the samed as those we would have ofnon-Indigenous children/ Demonstration/Practice Children of ten act up to the expectations we have of them. We let them know we are proud of them and of the community and they should be proud as well. I tell the students that they must aim high. They must be strong and proud of their people, of their family and of themselves.