Curriculum Night Mrs. Bramlett Mrs. Hanna Welcome to 3rd GradE Curriculum Night Mrs. Bramlett Mrs. Hanna
Welcome to Curriculum Night Introduction of teachers About 3rd grade New recess law Homework policy Behavior Process All things EQ Communication Questions
About Mrs. Bramlett Married to Cory Bramlett for 21 years and we have two boys named Caleb (14 years) and Luke (9 years) Loves to hike, be with my boys, loves baseball, and reading!
3rd Grade Learning Standards College and Career Readiness Standards Focus: Writing Reading Math Science Social Studies Technology MTSS (Multi Tiered System Support)
AZ College and Career Readiness Standards * Math standards Developing thinking and reasoning to promote long term memory. Provide written evidence of their own understanding toward the mastery of the standards
3rd Grade Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking Our goal is to reinforce foundational concepts as well as to teach real world problem-solving and applications. Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Numbers and Operations in Fractions Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematical Practices
3rd Grade Math- At home Reinforcing math skills at home will help your child be more successful in the classroom. Daily math facts practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Skip counting practice Telling time (analog clock) Problem-solving Logic puzzles
3rd Grade Science Life skills and Lifelong Guidelines Scientific Method Structures of life Earth science Physics of sound
About Mrs. Hanna Married to Jonathan Hanna for 2 years Two boys -1 years old and 10 year old Loves volleyball, reading, hiking, watching television shows, teaching, playing with my kids, and traveling
AZ College and Career Readiness Standards ELA (English Language Arts) Large focus on informational text . Provide evidence from the text to prove answers. Integrated within math, science, and social studies. Reading between school and home is an important part to our reading program. Spelling and Phonics practice
3rd Grade Reading- At home 120 minutes of choice reading time weekly Oral reading fluency practice Visiting the library Enjoying books together
3rd Grade Writing Writing Process 6 Traits of Writing Pre-writing Drafting Editing Revising Publishing 6 Traits of Writing Ideas and content Word choice Voice Organization Sentence Fluency Conventions
3rd Grade Writing- Writing Applications Narratives Informational / Explanatory Functional Opinion pieces Literary responses Research reports
3rd Grade Social Studies Life skills and Lifelong Guidelines Economics Geography and maps Exploration Civics and government Civil war Immigration
3rd Grade Technology Our students will have opportunities to use technology to develop skills that encourage creativity, communication, research, problem-solving, decision-making, and digital citizenship.
3rd Grade Grading and Reporting Grading Scale 100%-90%- A 89%-80%- B 79%-70%- C 69%- 60%- D 59%- 0%- Performance Levels 4 = Demonstrates above grade level proficiency independently 3 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency independently 2 = Demonstrates grade level proficiency with support 1 = Below grade level proficiency with support
Our Schedule This Year 8:45 – 10:15 Block 1 10:15-10:25 Recess break 11:55 – 12:35 Lunch/Recess 12:35-1:15 RTI (response to intervention) 1:15 – 2:00 Specials 2:00 – 3:30 Block 4
New Recess Law for 3rd grade The state now requires all K-3rd grade students to get an additional 10 minute recess. We are taking this recess between block 1 and block 2
Homework The students will receive a weekly homework packet for math. The students will receive a weekly reading log for Reading. They will receive their homework every Monday and it will be due that Friday.
Expectations and Discipline Expectations- the 4 B’s Be respectful Be responsible Be safe Be Ready to Learn Discipline Teacher warning Pause Ponder with reflection sheet Respond with reflection sheet Refer: Office referral
All Things EQ Our school wide social and emotional education program. Video
Home-School Communication E-mail (returned within 24 hours, probably our quickest response time) Phone calls (returned within 24 hours) Friday Folders Will include Weekly graded work, school communication and teacher feedback Power school (can get a log in from Lari)
3rd Grade Graduating Class of 2028 We are looking forward to a fantastic year together!