Perry Softball Camp HOW TO REGISTER: Who: For Perry Students only (campers should provide their own glove, bats and helmets will be available for athletes who do not have them. Please bring plenty of water) Purpose: To develop and refine softball skills. Where: Perry Softball Field Dates: October 17 – November 18 Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays Time: 2:30-4:15 Cost: $80 HOW TO REGISTER: ∙ Register before camp online at: by selecting Camps & Clinics. ∙ Go to Register for our Programs (on top right of screen) ∙ Online registration accepts credit/debit card payments only OR ∙ If paying with check or money order or if you need access to a computer to register, ∙ Please visit the Community Education Office at: 1525 West Frye Road, Chandler, AZ 85224 ∙ Make checks or money orders payable to: Community Education (No cash payments accepted) Contact: Coach Kevin Chapin 480- 224-2888 /