The Cold War Heats Up in Europe West: U.S. & Allies Democratic & Capitalist East: USSR & Satellites Communist & Dictatorship President Truman issues the Truman Doctrine (March, 1947) Known as a Containment Policy: Economic and military program to help others resist Soviet aggression. Civil war in Greece: There were Communist revolutionaries threaten to topple the Pro-West Greek Monarchy. USSR Invades Turkey and aids Turkish communists fighting the Turkish government. Marshall Plan 1947 Massive economic aid to strengthen democratic Governments. Aid also offered to East Europe, but Stalin forbade it Eastern European nations fall under Soviet influence, becoming allies or “satellites” of the USSR Stalin does not accept aid from Truman – thinks it is a trick.
Formation of the Warsaw Pact Berlin Airlift: 1948 Berlin Capital inside the Soviet Sector Stalin closes all routes to Berlin in hopes that West Berlin would not receive aid. Allies fly tons of supplies into West Berlin for 11 months. Berlin Blockade, 1948 Soviets block all highways in the Soviet zone of Germany in hopes the allied supplies would not reach West Berlin. Formation of NATO, 1949 U.S. Canada, and 10 other European nations vowed to support each other if any other nation was attacked. NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Formation of the Warsaw Pact 1955 Soviet Union (USSR) established this treaty with its 7 Satellite nations. It was a defense alliance promising defense to one another.
Why did the USSR establish the Berlin Blockade? Was it successful, why or why not?
What was the point of forming the alliances? Did the Soviet Satellite nations voluntarily join the Warsaw pact? Why or why not?
After World War II, the Soviet Union established satellites in Eastern Europe to 1. support the remaining Fascist governments in Eastern Europe 2. preserve capitalism in Eastern Europe 3. establish democratic governments in Eastern European nations 4. expand its power and control over Eastern Europe
The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of 1. the Crimean war 2. the Napoleonic Wars 3. World War I 4. World War II
Blockade of Berlin · Operation of the Berlin Airlift · Organization of the Warsaw Pact · Construction of the Berlin Wall These events of the Cold War are examples of 1. efforts to prevent military conflict between the superpowers 2. situations that increased tensions between communist and democratic nations in Europe 3. attempts to weaken the Soviet Union’s control of its Eastern European allies 4. policies of peaceful coexistence and détente