Chapter 9, Section 3 Role of Political Parties Today!
Main Idea Besides selecting candidates and running campaigns, political parties also serve other significant functions…
I. Nominating Candidates (227- 229) A. Parties are active year round. They keep the people informed about their beliefs and stances on issues. ***They make sure their party officials do a good job in office while they criticize the opposing party publicly.*** B. Candidates are selected through nomination process. 1. Direct Primaries- voters in each state choose candidates to represent the party in a general election. Often the winner of the most primaries wins the party’s nomination.
C. Most states hold closed primaries. 1. Closed Primaries- only declared party members can vote. D. Few states hold open primaries. 1. Open Primaries- Voters need not declare a party preference. E. Plurality- The most votes among all those running. F. In a few states the winner must have the majority, If no candidate receives majority, party holds a runoff primary between the top two vote getters
G. An independent candidate may get on a ballot if enough voters sign a petition. Example: 2004 Democratic Primary Results: Winner = Kerry!
II. Other Party Roles (229-230) A. Parties raise money for the campaign and help get the candidates’ views get across to the public. ***Through pamphlets, speeches, and advertising, parties inform citizens about issues and the way government works.***
B. After an election, party leaders recommend party supporters for government jobs to be filled by appointment. ***Party ties aid cooperation among levels and branches of government. Shared views make it easier for party members to work together.***
C. Parties play “watchdog” role C. Parties play “watchdog” role. They watch and make sure those in power do not make mistakes or abuse power.
9.3 Mini Quiz!!! A. Runoff Primary D. Closed Primary B. Petition E. Plurality C. Open Primary 1. Election between top vote-getters if no candidate receives the majority. 2. An Election in which only declared party members vote. 3. Qualified voters sign papers to declare support for candidate 4. The most votes out of all running for office 5. An election in which voters need not declare their party preference to vote for party’s nominees.