Wanjala Felix Alternate CP RAF 0/047: Promoting the sustainability & networking of National Nuclear Institutions for Development Wanjala Felix Alternate CP
Brief of RAF 0047 RAF/0/047 - Promoting the Sustainability and Networking of National Nuclear Institutions for Development, Phase II Eleven Countries are participating, namely, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Zambia The project Coordinator is Dr. M. K. Rugutt (AFRA NC) Alternate CP is Mr. Felix Wanjala (NLA) and also project Scientific Consultant RENANNI National Coordinator is Dr. David Otwoma
Main objective “to enhance the sustainability of African nuclear institutions by improving their performance and relevance to development programmes through good managerial practices, partnership building and marketing, including upgrading and strengthening of human resources capabilities”.
SWOT ANALYSIS Strength There is government commitment to support and promote the development and training in nuclear science and technology ST&I Act 2013 Availability of trained personnel in various fields of nuclear science and technology Improved collaborations in terms of facilities and human resource between and among institutions dealing with nuclear science and technology Increased awareness on peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology Availability of various research laboratories
Weaknesses Inadequate or aging equipment equipment’s in some fields of nuclear science and technology Limited financial support from the government and donors to meet the needs for nuclear infrastructure in nuclear science and technology Lack of income generation Shortage of trained and skilled human resource in various fields of nuclear science and technology Inadequate private sector involvement and support in nuclear science and technology Inadequate exchange programmes to share facilities and expertise Lack of internal experts to repair and maintenance nuclear equipment's
Opportunities Good Government and political support for Nuclear science programmes Political stability Availability of young Kenyans who can be trained in the nuclear field Availability of the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology which can be enhanced and used as a training center in NS&T Availability of the Kenya Bureau of Standards to enhance matters of quality assurance and control for nuclear equipment
Competition for staff with other high paying jobs Threats Brain drain of trained nuclear scientists to countries with better infrastructure and remuneration The rate of training of staff is not commensurate with the demand for personnel to effectively sustain the service in NS&T Competition for staff with other high paying jobs slow rate of adaptation of current technological advances in NS&T Insufficient funding and support from the development partners Dependence on Government funding
Salient points a) Income generating activities remain the most powerful force that influences NNI’s sustainability b)The balance between basic research, applied research and income-generating activities c) Some NNIs did not maintain continuous interactions with their key stakeholders d) Very few NNIs were able to achieve some success in the implementation of their SAPs and have established Market Development Units or equivalent.
Persistent Challenges: a) Poor managerial capacity; b) Lack of transparency; c) Frequent changes in leadership and brain drain; d) Proper identification of long term and short term priorities; e) Defective financing strategy; lack of clear financing strategy resulting into financial unpredictability f) Inadequate pricing mechanisms and strategies;
Persistent Challenges: g) Retention and use of funds generated: h) Declining relevance; i) Poor public perception and negative image; j) Inadequate pricing mechanisms and strategies;
National Strategy Action Plan/Business Plan Most Institutions have strategic Action Plans which do not properly address issues of application of nuclear science and technology in terms of relevance, funding mechanisms and sustainability. NACOSTI formed a committee to develop a National Strategy/Business Plan for National Nuclear institutions (NNIs) The SAP will, Help lobby for increased funding from Government and private sector Come up with income generating activities to support nuclear programmes for relevance, sustainability and self reliance Enhance partnerships in terms of sharing nuclear resources and facilities among NNI’ Encourage trained persons to work in Kenya Help in carrying out monitoring and evaluation of NNI’s
Declining public funding to NNI’s from Government WHY TOO MUCH EMPHASIS TODAY ON STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR NATIONAL NUCLEAR INSTITUTIONS Need to face more effectively competition to remain viable and relevant Declining public funding to NNI’s from Government Declining stakeholders interest and shift in government priorities Failure of many institutions to adapt their strategies and mindsets to new imperatives and managerial practices Increasing oversight/control from stakeholders and need for accountability Lack of trained personnel due to brain drain Lack of equipment Lack of legislation to govern the functioning of NNIs
SAP Development The committee worked under the physical, Industrial and Energy Science Schedule at NACOSTI (Dr. Otwoma) The committee was to come up with a National Strategic Action Plan (SAP) which will then be implemented by the relevant institutions The monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the National Nuclear Institutions (NNI’s) in regards to the SAP will be done by NACOSTI through the project coordinators
Finalization of the SAP The two retreats were undertaken for the committee to finalize the SAP and share it with relevant authorities including IAEA. The committee participated in the Scientific visit to GAEC, Ghana Various NNIs developed workplans that were included in the SAP to help in M&E implement Other NNI’s developed BP and their own SAP
ROADMAP 1 S/N TASK/ACTIVITY INDICATOR RESPONSIBLE TIME FRAME Remarks 1 Develop and share rationale and objectives for Strategic Action Plan/BP for NNIs Developed Rationale Project Coordinator/Asst. PC June 2016 Done 2 Appointment committee to develop a National SAP/BP from NNIs Appointment letters PC and Heads of NNIs 3. Hold meetings of committee members to develop the SAP/BP for NNI SAP/BP Committee July–Sept. 2016 4. Share the SAP with IAEA for recommendations and corrections PC/Asst. PC Sept. – Oct. 2016 5. Scientific Visit to Ghana Report PC/Committee October 2016 6. Share SAP/BP with stakeholders Nov. 2016
ROADMAP 2 S/N ACTIVITY INDICATOR PERSON RESPONSIBLE TIME Remarks 7. Approval of SAPs by Heads of NNIs Approved SAPs PC and Heads of NNIs Dec. 2017 To be Done 8. Presentation to the Board/Cabinet Secretary for approval and adoption National Strategy/BP PC/Committee/Heads NNIs 9. Print the SAP/BP Printed SAP/BP PC/Asst. PC Dec. 2016 To be done 10. Implementation of SAP/BP Self assessment Reports NNIs 2017-2022 11. Monitoring and Evaluation, Reporting and sharing of best practices M&E Report PC/Committee/NNIs