The Volstead Act Aim: to understand why the law was passed and its impact on America
Write one question about this picture on your post-it Starter: Look at this picture. Write one question about this picture on your post-it
How will I know I have made progress? What are we doing today? We will be looking at the causes and effects of the Volstead Act or ALSO known as Prohibition. How will I know I have made progress? By the end of the lesson you should Be able to explain WHY the act was introduced. Be able to describe its impact on America.
In your pairs or groups… What would happen if sugar were permanently banned in Australia from today?
1) Spread the cards out on the table 1) Spread the cards out on the table. 2) As you read them, put them into categories of your own choice. 3) Now sort them into: Causes of Prohibition Impact of Prohibition Other Key word feedback
1) Explain why Prohibition was introduced. (Level 9) Explain = give reasons for... You need to include 2-3 factors 2) Describe the impact of Prohibition on American society (Level 9.5 - 10) Describe = give details of... You need to include 3 factors
Have we made progress today? NO A BIT (What would we need to do to move to yes?) YES Can we explain WHY Prohibition was introduced? Can we describe its impact on America in the 1920s?
Can we answer our questions from the beginning of the lesson?
1) Explain why Prohibition was introduced. (4) 2) Describe the impact of Prohibition on American society (5) Explain = give reasons for You need to include 2-3 factors Describe = give an account of You need to include 3 factors Prohibition was introduced in America because… (Give one reason from your knowledge. Use the cards if you are stuck) Another reason for the introduction of Prohibition was (Give a second reason from your knowledge. Use the cards if you are stuck) One of the effects of Prohibition on American society was… (Give one reason from your knowledge. Use the cards if you are stuck) In addition to this… (Give a second reason from your knowledge. Use the cards if you are stuck) Finally… (Give a third reason from your knowledge. Use the cards if you are stuck)