Programme Management Board Reporting Period: November 2014 Programme Management Board
Programme Management Board Programme Status At month 8 the Trust has achieved £3,895k in savings. For the same period the planned savings target was £4,823k, representing £928k under performance. The Business Committee received a proposal on the procurement of continence products at the last meeting and as a result the procurement scheme is now on target to achieve the required savings The Health and wellbeing scheme is not achieving against the required target. Whilst the budget has been reduced in line with the savings plan, there is an overspend on pay and the sickness rate is above target. Service review implementation plans have been developed and incorporated into the business plans for Q4 2014/15 and 2015/16. Further work required to establish ways to align financials and delivery plan. EPR recovery plan developed and resources allocated to deliver the projects. It should be noted that the next 3 months will require substantial focus by all the team members to deliver the projects to plan. Programme Management Board
Year to Date Plan Actual £k Variance Year to Date Actual £k 2014/15 Programme Status Projects Recurrent Plan £k In Year Annual Plan £k Forecast Outturn £k Forecast Variance £K Year to Date Plan £k Year to Date Plan Actual £k Variance Year to Date Actual £k Estates Utilisation 256 171 Medicines Use 28 19 Non-Pay Efficiency Procurement 153 102 67 35 Health and Wellbeing 202 -202 135 Travel 204 136 Productivity (Gains) Skills Mix 109 73 CNS Remodel 69 51 18 Service Reviews 2,525 2,910 1,838 -1,072 970 725 245 EPR 253 -253 84 Contribution of New Business 100 Increase in Vacancy Factor 1,000 -1,000 571 429 531 354 Release of Reserves 1,777 1,408 Total for 2014/15 7,412 8,032 5,523 -2,509 4,823 3,895 -£928 Programme Management Board
2014/15 & 2015/16 Programme Status Opportunity Plan Status Projects 14/15 Plan £k 14/15 Confidence of Delivery 15/16 Plan £k 15/16 Confidence of Delivery Estates Utilisation 256 664 Medicines Use 28 Non-Pay Efficiency Procurement 153 Health and Wellbeing 202 N/A Travel 204 Productivity - Initial Changes Skill Mix 109 CNS Remodel 51 80 Service Review 3,580 Service Review ACN Investment Offset -670 Integration 505 EPR 253 Corporate Cost Reduction 252 Profit on New Business / Income 100 Increase in Vacancy Factor 1,000 Estates Cost Savings 531 Release of Reserves 1,777 To be confirmed 729 Total for year before adjustment £8,032 £6,600 Opportunity Plan Status Clear rationale and underlying analysis which has been reviewed by Finance Clear rationale, further work required to test the analysis and assumptions Provisional rationale Confidence of Delivery Status Successful delivery of the project to time, cost and quality is achievable. There are no outstanding issues that will impact the project delivery Successful delivery appears feasible. There are issues that exist and require management attention. These issues appear resolvable at this stage and if addressed promptly, should not impact project delivery Successful delivery of the project/programme appears to be at risk. There are significant issues on project/programme scope, timeline, budget, quality and /or benefits delivery. The project/programme may need re-baselining and/or overall viability re-assessed Programme Management Board