OCD Risk Management CS 577a, Fall 2012 ©USC-CSSE
ICSM Practices Main ICSM Practices in CSCI577 Operational Concept Development System and Software Requirements Development Prototyping System and Software Architecture Development Life Cycle Planning Feasibility Evidence Development Testing Quality Management ©USC-CSSE
Operational Concept Description (OCD) ©USC-CSSE
Operational Concept Definition (OCD) Purpose of the OCD To describe the success critical (key) stakeholders’ shared vision of the project being undertaken. Key stakeholders typically include the system’s users the client the customer, if different from the client the maintainer** and the developers. More info, check the ICSM EPG http://greenbay.usc.edu/IICMSw/index.htm ©USC-CSSE
OCD Content and Completion Criteria VC Package FC OCD Content Shared Vision Success- Critical Stakeholders System Capabilities Descriptions Expected Benefits Benefit Chain, System Boundary and Environment System Transformation Information on the Current System System Objective, Constraints & Priorities Capability Goals, LOS goals, Organization goals Constraints, relation to current system Proposed New Operational Concept Element Relationship diagram, Business Workflow Organization and Operational Transformation ©USC-CSSE
Shared Vision ©USC-CSSE
Success-critical stakeholders Success- Critical Stakeholders (SCS) Common SCS: system’s user, client, customer, maintainer, developer. Project-specific SCS supplier, actor, volunteer, vendor, researcher Key stakeholders should have CRACK characteristics (Collaborative, Representative, Authorized, Committed, and Knowledgeable ) ©USC-CSSE
System Capabilities Descriptions Contain the following information The type of system to be built The target customer(s) for the system The need or opportunity that will be satisfied by the system A compelling reason for the customer to buy/use the system The closest competitor of the system The system's primary differentiation from, or benefit over, the closest competitor or alternative approach, if there are competitors or alternatives ah the time “ Sierra Mountainbikes, Inc’s Sales Department needs a faster, more integrated order entry system to increase sales. The proposed Web Order System will give us an e-commerce order entry system similar to Amazon.com’s that will fit the special needs of ordering mountain bicycles and their aftermarket components. Unlike the template-based system that our main competitor bought, ours would be faster, more user friendly, and better integrated with our order fulfillment system.” ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram Illustrate the results of chain of benefits starting from developing to deploying the system Focusing on What kind of initiatives will create the benefits? Who has to perform those initiatives so that the benefits can be realized? What is/are the ultimate benefits/outcomes of the system? ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram Stakeholder(s): Initiative: Contribution: What are the success critical stakeholders who create and receive benefits from the developing system? E.g. Development team, Volunteer, Manager Initiative: What are the actions that stakeholder(s) performs that could contribute benefit to the system. Initiative should be represented in Verb-form. E.g. Develop automatic report generation module, fill out online application, analyze volunteer performance, provide training Contribution: What are the results of the initiative that will add to the benefits to the system? E.g. automated report generation process, paperless application, insightful volunteer performance analysis Outcome: Benefits that is contributed by the system such as improved volunteer management performance, faster application processing Assumption: What are the conditions that have to be true in order to make this benefit chain to be true. ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram A good example ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram A good example ©USC-CSSE
Benefit Chain Diagram A not so good example Common mistakes Assumption: 1. No limits on no. of users 2. Stable support from CollectiveX for Network and Database functionality Business firms, students and teachers A not so good example Common mistakes Does not show the chain of benefits Unclear initiative, outcome Missing contribution Incomplete benefit representation Developers, IV and V Implement the Web-based system depending on current system Providing Tutorials to the Client and Users. Use the system functionalities Enhance the capabilities of existing system WEB-Based application System to be beneficiary to the client Client ©USC-CSSE
System Boundary and Environment Illustrate the snapshot of the system at the deployment time (not development time) the system List of services, modules Stakeholders Their roles at the deployment/operation time E.g. Users, maintainers, students Common mistake – 577 developers (you will not be there at the deployment time) Its environment Internet, scanner, external system Infrastructure (platform, language, package) ©USC-CSSE
System Boundary and Environment ©USC-CSSE
System Boundary and Environment A good example ©USC-CSSE
System Boundary and Environment A good example ©USC-CSSE
System Transformation Information on Current System Infrastructure Artifacts Current Business Workflow If this is a new (from manual to automatic) system, study how the transactions are done manually ©USC-CSSE
System Objectives, Constraints, and Priorities Capability Goals OC-1 Central Order Processing: Orders may be (i) entered and processed directly via the Sierra Mountainbikes (SMB) central website and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, or, in the case of telephone or fax orders (ii) entered by SMB service personnel. Orders are validated interactively, using validation criteria editable by administrators. Level of Service Goals Organization Goals OG-1: Increase sales and profits via more efficient order processing. LOS Goals Desired Level Acceptance Level Notes Response time per entry (second) 0.1 0.5 Current system: 1 ©USC-CSSE
System Constraints Examples: CO-1: Windows as an Operating System: The new system must be able to run on Windows platform. CO-2: Zero Monetary Budget: The selected NDI/NCS should be free or no monetary cost. CO-3: Java as a Development Language: Java must be used as a development language. ©USC-CSSE
Element Relationship Diagram Summarizes the major relationships among the primary elements and external entities involved in the proposed new system. ©USC-CSSE
Element Relationship Diagram ©USC-CSSE
Element Relationship Diagram ©USC-CSSE
Business Workflow Diagram Represent the “work” flow from non-technical perspectives Use activity diagram Can be very simple ©USC-CSSE
Business Workflow Diagram ©USC-CSSE
Organizational and Operational Transformation Organizational Transformation Identify any significant changes in organizational structure, authority, roles, and responsibilities that will result from transitioning to the new system. E.g. The need to hire a new system maintainer to take care of the system Operational Transformation Identify any significant changes in operational procedures and workflows that will result from transitioning to the new system. E.g. Having the financial, delivery, and administrative processing concurrently progress rather than sequentially to decrease response time, subject to the check for payment validity before shipping an order. ©USC-CSSE