Moral Training Guidelines Inculcate Islāmic Culture in Families Activating Inactive Ansār Participation in Congregational Salāt in Mosques and Salat Centers Strong Affiliation with Khalīfatul-Masīh (may Allāh be his support) and Jamā‘at
Moral Training Guidelines Moral Training Week – March 18-24, 2013 Addressing Rising Problem of Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking Addressing Social Media’s Effects on Youth Addressing Social Issues in Majālis
RESOURCES Support Material for Holding “From Son to Father” workshop in local Majlis: Details and presentation materials for holding this workshop will be provided to Zu‘amā. Support Material for Holding “Marital Harmony” workshop in local Majlis: Support Material for Rishta Nata workshop will be provided to Zu‘amā Support Material for motivating Ansar to increase Ansar Test participation will be provided to Zu‘amā Support Material: 1. A synopsis in English of Huzur’s (May Allāh be his support) Friday sermon is distributed to Zu‘amā weekly. Other Ansār can also sign-up by submitting their E-mail addresses at: http://www.ansarusa.org/mailinglist/ansarusa 2. Letters to Huzur (may Allāh be his support) can be sent via: Fax: 01144-208-870-5234 Snail mail: 16 Gressenhall Road, London SW18 5QL, U.K. 3. MTA is available live at http://mta.tv