11179-3 Edition 3 Metadata registry (MDR) ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32/WG2 N1531R1 11179-3 Edition 3 Metadata registry (MDR) Ray Gates May 12, 2011 09/12/2018
Agenda MDR Approach Changes in Edition 3 New in Edition 3 UML packages and Conformance Changes to types of Metadata Items Changes to Identification region Changes to Designation & Definition region Changes to Administration/Registration region New in Edition 3 Concept Systems Binary Relations 09/12/2018
MDR Approach Specification of a metamodel for registering metadata Common facilities apply to all metadata types Identification, Designation & Definition , Registration Description of specific types of metadata Data Description – Data Elements and Data Element Concepts, Conceptual and Value Domains Concept Systems (new in Edition 3) and Classification Schemes 09/12/2018
UML Packages & Conformance 09/12/2018
Use of UML Packages in MDR Edition 2 divided the metamodel into regions for descriptive purposes only Edition 3 uses UML packages to represent regions of the metamodel Shows dependencies between regions more clearly Enables finer-grained conformance criteria to be specified 09/12/2018
MDR package dependencies 09/12/2018
Conformance levels Conformance may be claimed for a set of data structures and/or datatypes for clauses: clause 7 Identification, Designation and Definition clause 9 Concepts clause 10 Binary Relations clause 11 Data Description . Conformance may be claimed for a registry or for a registry software system for clauses: clause 8 Registration clause 12 Basic attributes. 09/12/2018
Types of metadata items 09/12/2018
Types of metadata items Finer-grained typing of metadata In Edition 2, every metadata item had to be recorded as an Administered Item all items subclassed from Administered_Item Edition 3 is more light-weight and supports selective typing when recording an item in a registry, apply the desired typing, which can be changed over time 09/12/2018
Edition 2 Administered Items In Edition 2, all specified metadata objects are Explicitly subclassed from Administered_Item. 09/12/2018
Edition 3 types of metadata items Registered_Item is an abstract class. Only it’s subclasses can be instantiated. In Edition 3, the specified types are available to be applied to any metadata item , as desired. 09/12/2018
changes to identification region 09/12/2018
Single vs. Multiple Identifiers Edition 2 allowed only a single identifier per metadata item Edition 3 allows multiple identifiers per metadata item, and requires an associated namespace be specified for each identifier Supporting multiple identifiers allows metadata items to be shared across registries that use different identification schemes Edition 3 simplifies the structure of the identifier and supplements it with a Namespace 09/12/2018
Identification in Edition 2 09/12/2018
Identification in Edition 3 09/12/2018
Changes to Designation & definition region 09/12/2018
New for Designations and Definitions Edition 2 allowed one Designation and one Definition to be specified as ‘preferred’ Edition 3 supports different Acceptability ratings to be specified in different contexts preferred admitted deprecated obsolete superseded Edition 3 supports recording Naming Conventions Edition 3 renames ‘name’ to ‘sign’ 09/12/2018
Edition 2 Designation & Definition 09/12/2018
Edition 3 Designation & Definition 09/12/2018
Changes to registration region 09/12/2018
Edition 2 Administration region 09/12/2018
Edition 3 Registration region Should we associate Submission_Record with Identified_Item instead of Registered_Item? 09/12/2018
Concept systems 09/12/2018
Concept Systems overview (1) Support for Concept Systems using simple relations and/or complex assertions with examples using Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Object Role Modelling (ORM) Web Ontology Language (OWL) Common Logic Interchange Format (CLIF) 09/12/2018
Concept Systems overview (2) Concept System subsumes Classification Scheme Representation Class All Concepts must have source Concept System, but it may simply the Registry Concept systems can reference or import other concept systems 09/12/2018
Edition 3 Concept System 09/12/2018
Binary Relations 09/12/2018