Recall Lecture 17 MOSFET DC Analysis Using GS (SG) Loop to calculate VGS Remember that there is NO gate current! Assume in saturation Calculate ID using saturation equation Find VDS (for NMOS) or VSD (for PMOS) Using DS (SD) loop Calculate VDS sat or VSD sat Confirm that VDS > VDS sat or VSD > VSD sat Confirm your assumption!
Application of mosfets
NOR gate response The NAND gate response 5 Digital Logic Gates NOR gate NAND gate NOR gate response The NAND gate response High 5 Low
CHAPTER 7 Basic FET Amplifiers
For linear amplifier function, FET is normally biased in the saturation region.
The MOSFET Amplifier - COMMON SOURCE The output is measured at the drain terminal The gain is negative value Three types of common source source grounded with source resistor, RS with bypass capacitor, CS
Common Source - Source Grounded A Basic Common-Source Configuration: Assume that the transistor is biased in the saturation region by resistors R1 and R2, and the signal frequency is sufficiently large for the coupling capacitor to act essentially as a short circuit.
EXAMPLE VDD = 5V The transistor parameters are: Rsi RD = 10 k 0.5 k 520 k 320 k The transistor parameters are: VTN = 0.8V, Kn = 0.2mA/V2 and = 0. ID = 0.2441 mA gm = 0.442 mA/V
(replace into equation from step 2) RTH 198.1 k 0.5 k RD = 10 k 0.442 vgs The output resistance, Ro = RD The output voltage: vo = - gmvgs (Rout) = - gmvgs (10) = -4.42 vgs The gate-to-source voltage: , Ri = RTH vgs = [198.1 / (198.1 + 0.5 )] = 0.9975 vi (replace into equation from step 2) So the small-signal voltage gain: Av = vo / vi = - 4.41
Type 2: With Source Resistor, RS VTN = 1V, Kn = 1.0mA / V
Assume transistor in saturation Perform DC analysis Assume transistor in saturation VG = ( 200 / 300 ) x 3 = 2 V Hence, KVL at GS Loop: VGS + IDRS – VTH = 0 VGS = 2 – 3ID KVL at DS loop VDS + 10 ID + 3ID – 3 = 0 VDS = 3 -13 ID Assume biased in saturation mode: Hence, ID = 1.0 (2 – 3ID - 1 )2 = 1.0 (1 – 3ID )2 9 ID2 – 7 ID + 1 = 0 VTN = 1V, Kn = 1.0 mA / V
ID = 0.589 mA ID = 0.19 mA VGS = 2 – 3ID = 0.233 < VTN VGS = 2 – 3ID = 1.43 V > VTN MOSFET is OFF OK Not OK VDS = 3 -13 ID = 0.53 V VDS sat = VGS - VTN = 1.43 – 1.0 = 0.43 V 0.53 V > 0.43 V Transistor in saturation Assumption is correct!
v’ = vgs + gmvgs RS v’ = vgs(1 + 2.616) = 3.616 vgs - RTH RD = 10 k 66.67 k RS = 3 k gm = 0.872 mA/V The output resistance, Ro = RD The output voltage: Find v’ v’ = vgs + gmvgs RS v’ = vgs(1 + 2.616) = 3.616 vgs vo = - gmvgsRD = - 0.872 ( vgs) (10) = - 8.72 vgs
+ V’ - RTH RD = 10 k 66.67 k RS = 3 k 3. Find v’ in terms of vi : using voltage divider v’ = [RTH / (Rsi + RTH)] vi But in this circuit, Rsi = 0 so, v’ = vi = 3.616 vgs 4. Go back to vo equation: vo = - 8.72 vgs vo = - 8.72 ( vi / 3.616) AV= vo / vi = - 2.41
Type 3: With Source Bypass Capacitor, CS Circuit with Source Bypass Capacitor An source bypass capacitor can be used to effectively create a short circuit path during ac analysis hence avoiding the effect RS CS becomes a short circuit path – bypass RS; hence similar to Type 1
IQ = 0.5 mA hence, ID = 0.5 mA gm = 2 Kn ID = 1.414 mA/V ro = RG RD = 7 k 1.414 vgs
The output resistance, Rout = RD The output voltage: vo = - gmvgs (RD) = -1.414 (7) vgs = - 9.898 vgs 3. The gate-to-source voltage: vgs = vi in parallel ( no need voltage divider) 4. So the small-signal voltage gain: Av = vo / vi = - 9.898
The MOSFET Amplifier - COMMON DRAIN The output is measured at the source terminal The gain is positive value
ID = 8 mA , Kn = 4 mA /V2 gm = 2 Kn ID = 11.3 mA/V 0.5 k 0.5 k RTH
gm = 2 Kn ID = 11.3 mA/V + v’ - The output resistance: The output voltage v’ in terms of vi: KVL at supermesh: The voltage gain Ro = ro || Rs vo = gmvgs (ro RS) = 11.3 vgs (0.70755) = 8 vgs v’ = (RTH / RTH + RSi) vi = 0.9956 vi vgs + gmvgs (ro RS) – v’ = 0 v’ = vgs + 8 vgs vgs = v’ / [1+8] = 0.9956 vi / 9 = 0.111 vi (replace into equation from step 2) Av = vo / vi = 0.888
Output Resistance for Common Drain + - Vx Ix ro|| Rs = 0.708 k vgs in terms of Vx where vgs = -Vx - Vx + gmvgs + Ix = 0 0.708 - Vx - gmVx + Ix = 0 0.708 - 1.412 Vx – 11.3 Vx + Ix = 0 Ix = 12.712 Vx 0.079 k