The Father of Modern Genetics! Gregor Mendel (1823-1884) The Father of Modern Genetics!
Mendel taught natural science to High School Students. Once: he crossed peas and mice of different varieties “for the fun of the thing”
He determined several “laws” of inheritance.... Mendel’s work became the foundation for Modern Genetics.
Mendel’s peas MENDEL chose a common garden pea (Pisum) for his first experiments in hybridization
Step ONE: find plants that are “pure” for one trait (like height). Mendel’s Procedure Step ONE: find plants that are “pure” for one trait (like height). Call them: P1
Step TWO: take opposites for the trait (like tall X short) & cross pollinate/fertilize
Step 3: grow offspring and record results. (F1 = filial = offspring)
Step 4: Allow self-pollination & grow the grandchildren of P1 Step 4: Allow self-pollination & grow the grandchildren of P1. Call this group F2. Record results.
P1 = HH (tall) X hh (short) Results: All F1 grew tall! F1 X F1 = F2 Results, 3/4th peas were tall, 1/4th peas were short!
Mendel discovered... ...some traits are “masked”...they are RECESSIVE and may skip generations. ...some traits are DOMINANT...they occur often in the population.
...traits are determined by a pair of factors. Alleles
Mendel determined... The pair of “factors” are sorted independently of each other. These factors are separated when the gametes are formed.
HOW TO PLAY GENETICS “GAMES” Traits are expressed as letters of the alphabet. HH or hh Capital letters denote dominant traits
HH or hh are pure strains. They are called HOMOZYGOUS Hh are mixed strains....carriers of the recessive gene, but do not look recessive. They are called HETEROZYGOUS
H = TALL h = short HH = homozygous tall hh = homozygous short EXAMPLES H = TALL h = short HH = homozygous tall hh = homozygous short Hh = heterozygous tall
genotype = the letters we use to express traits = genetic makeup More vocabulary.... genotype = the letters we use to express traits = genetic makeup phenotype = what something looks like.
Phenotypes fat pod, smooth peas
skinny pods, wrinkled peas or... skinny pods, wrinkled peas