3: The Photoreceptor Mosaic Human Perception 3: The Photoreceptor Mosaic
The Photoreceptor Types Spatial Distribution of Receptors 3.2
The Photoreceptor Types Spatial Distribution of Receptors 3.3
The Photoreceptor Types Schematics 3.4
The Photoreceptor Types Receptor drawings 3.5
The Photoreceptor Types Cone wavelength absorptions 3.6
The Photoreceptor Types Curcio et al, 1990 3.7
The S-cone Mosaic Psychophysical estimation of S-cone mosaic: Williams, Macleod and Hayhoe experiments, 1981 3.8
The S-cone Mosaic A biological estimate of the S-code spatial mosaic, DeMonasterio et al, 1985, just outside the fovea 3.9
The S-cone Mosaic: Near Periphery A biological estimate of the S-code spatial mosaic, near periphery 3.10
Calculating the Viewing Angle tan(φ)=0.0025mm/17mm=0.000147 i.e. 0.0084 degrees or 0.5 minutes or 30 seconds 3.11
Sampling and Aliasing Aliasing of signals results when sampled values are the same but in-between values are not 3.12
Sampling and Aliasing Harmonic undersampled all = 1:16; n = all/16; freq = 15; f = cos(2*pi*freq*n); plot(n,f,'b-o’);hold on all = 1:256; n = all/256; plot(n,f,'r-') 3.13
Sampling and Aliasing Harmonic oddly sampled clf all = 1:16; n = all/16; freq = 11.2; f = cos(2*pi*freq*n); plot(n,f,'b-o') hold on all = 1:256; n = all/256; freq = 15; plot(n,f,'r-') 3.14
Sampling and Aliasing F = N/2 cos(2π(N/2+f) i/N)= cos(2π(N/2-f)i/N ) Square-wave (two dimensional) aliasing Nyquist frequency F = N/2 cos(2π(N/2+f) i/N)= cos(2π(N/2-f)i/N ) 3.15
The L- and M-Cone Mosaic Perceived aliasing patterns Consistent with Nyquist frequency of 60cpd 3.16
The L- and M-Cone Mosaic Foveal mosaic no S-cones nor rods 3.17
The L- and M-Cone Mosaic Cone receptor mosaic, Roorda and Williams, 1999 all three type of cones visible, L(red), M(green), S(blue) 3.18