6: The Cortical Representation Human Perception 6: The Cortical Representation
Overview of the Visual Cortex Human visual areas
Overview of the Visual Cortex Human visual areas
Visual Areas in Lateral and Medial Views of Occipital Cortex GIRKIN AND MILLER Surv Ophthalmol 45 (5) March–April 2001 Fig. 3. Posterior lateral view of the human visual cortex showing sev-eral of the visual associative areas. The cerebellum has been removed and the hemispheres have been separated and displaced to display medial and lateral occipital re-gions. V1 corresponds to the pri-mary of striate visual cortex. The other associative visual areas are discussed in the text except V7, V8, and LO (lateral occipital, which plays a role in object processing), because these areas have not been associated with distinct clinical syn-dromes. (Artist: Juan Garcia.)
Overview of the Visual Cortex Human visual areas V1 V2 V3 V3A V4 Posterior Anterior cm
occipital lobes, posterior view Visual areas occipital lobes, posterior view V1 V2 V3 V3a V4v The position of the visual areas on the folded brain. MT+ cm left right
Retinotopic Organization Receptive field location in the human calcarine sulcus
Visual Field Mapping Phase-Encoded Retinotopies (Engel et al
Eccentricity Maps Lateral Medial SH/081798
Eccentricity Maps Dorsal view Occipital 20 deg WAP TOS Parietal
Retinotopic organization Methods to estimate the receptive field location
Exposed Calcarine Retinotopy (Horton and Hoyt, 1994)
Organization of V1 Upper VM HM 80 Lower VM
Cortical Magnification and Rod Free Zone 1.2 cm Rod free zone 22 deg
Retinotopic Areas On A Human Brain Sagittal Visual area Foveal confluence V1 V2 V3 V3B V3A hV4 V7 Ventral Dorsal
Electrical Stimulation of Area V1 Visual phosphene Human
Electrical Stimulation of Area V1 Visual phosphene Human
Center-Surround: LGN/Retina Dualism-mind is separate from the body Descartes believed that the pineal body directed fluid from the ventricles into the holow fibers we call nerves-this induced muscle action. The pineal gland is where the soul controls the physical body Monism: the belief that the mind is the working of the body (no need for a separate soul. Determinism-the notion that mental states are produced by physical mechanisms. Reductionists-we break complex phenomena into less complicated sytems.
Orientation Sensitivity Best orientation Dualism-mind is separate from the body Descartes believed that the pineal body directed fluid from the ventricles into the holow fibers we call nerves-this induced muscle action. The pineal gland is where the soul controls the physical body Monism: the belief that the mind is the working of the body (no need for a separate soul. Determinism-the notion that mental states are produced by physical mechanisms. Reductionists-we break complex phenomena into less complicated sytems.
Primary Visual Pathway Dualism-mind is separate from the body Descartes believed that the pineal body directed fluid from the ventricles into the holow fibers we call nerves-this induced muscle action. The pineal gland is where the soul controls the physical body Monism: the belief that the mind is the working of the body (no need for a separate soul. Determinism-the notion that mental states are produced by physical mechanisms. Reductionists-we break complex phenomena into less complicated sytems.
Visual Pathways: LGN
The Architecture of Area V1 V1 is a layered structure
Modules in Visual Cortex
Cytochrome Oxidase blobs in V1
Columnar architecture in other areas Direction columns in MT “Feature” columns in IT
Visual Area Hierarchy