Optimisation L.O. All pupils understand how quadratics can model real life situations All pupils recognize how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Most pupils can make inferences from the graphs
Starter: how quadratics can model real life situations
Optimisation L.O. All pupils understand how quadratics can model real life situations All pupils recognize how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Most pupils can make inferences from the graphs
Main 1: Groups of three of my choosing: how quadratics can model real life situations how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Groups of three of my choosing: Can you think of any real life examples of optimisation?
Main 1: Page 210 Read through the examples in the textbook. how quadratics can model real life situations how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Page 210 Read through the examples in the textbook. Work in your allocated triads to solve the summative problems. Ext. make inferences from the graphs Solve the further optimisation problems from the next slide
Solve the further optimisation problems Main 1: how quadratics can model real life situations Ext. make inferences from the graphs Solve the further optimisation problems how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems https://nrich.maths.org/7412
Optimisation L.O. All pupils understand how quadratics can model real life situations All pupils recognize how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Most pupils can make inferences from the graphs
Plenary: Share you findings
Optimisation L.O. All pupils understand how quadratics can model real life situations All pupils recognize how parts of the graph relate to the real life problems Most pupils can make inferences from the graphs