Towards Interoperability Jan Odijk CLARIN NCF Meeting, Helsinki 2017-11-28
Interoperability Introduction desired characteristics of data and software data and tools are interoperable if they can be used in combination without having to make any adaptations to the data or the tools CLARIN
Standards: important but not the ultimate solution Introduction Standards: important but not the ultimate solution There are none / there are too many May cover too little / cover too much Works only if there is an excellent tool suite around it Does not solve the legacy formats CLARIN
Role of NCF Introduction Define the status and importance of interoperability in CLARIN Think about how to organise work on interoperability in the CLARIN context Create incentives to work on interoperability CLARIN
CLARIN must create incentives to work on interoperability: Introduction CLARIN must create incentives to work on interoperability: Define clearly what interoperability means (intensionally and extensionally) Set priorities, maybe a roadmap Stimulate work on it (prestige, rewards, money, constructive competition) The best incentive: it works and is used by others! CLARIN
Introduction General interoperability scheme (e.g. as proposed in the document), if feasible: Must be defined Must be supported by CLARIN Must become part of the CLARIN branding CLARIN
Who should drive all work on interoperability? Questions for the NCF Who should drive all work on interoperability? Who should define a general scheme? Who should work on interoperability for specific resource types? How is such work best organised? Who takes decisions? What is the role of CLARIN ERIC? CLARIN
Questions for the NCF What is the role of national projects? What is the role of the NCF in this? What is the role of the Standards Committee What is the role of other CLARIN committees? How can claimed interoperability be assessed? (is it necessary, or will they (dis)prove themselves?) How is such assessment best organised? …. CLARIN
Have a fruitful discussion! CLARIN