Chemical Pathways Chapter 9-1 CELLULAR RESPIRATION Chemical Pathways Chapter 9-1
In the last chapter green plants used ________________ to AUTOTROPHS ___________ use energy from sunlight or chemicals to make their own food In the last chapter green plants used ________________ to trap energy from __________ and make ______________ PHOTOSYNTHESIS sunlight food (glucose)
In this chapter, we will learn how this glucose is ____________ by organisms and the _______ is stored as _______ in a process called ___________________ broken down energy ATP CELLULAR RESPIRATION What kind of organisms do this?
What kind of organisms do this? plants fungi animals bacteria ________ (Including _______) ______ ______ ______ humans ALL LIVING THINGS NEED ENERGY!
How do we get the sugar from the plants? REMEMBER! _______________ get their energy by eating other organisms. HETEROTROPHS We get the energy the plants stored as glucose by _____________ directly or eating the _________ that ate the plants. eating plants animals Image from:
In this chapter we will learn how ______________ Image from: In this chapter we will learn how ______________ get their energy by consuming other organisms. HETEROTROPHS GLUCOSE We get our energy from the __________ plants made during _______________ when we eat plants or eat animals that ate the plants. PHOTOSYNTHESIS
CYTOPLASM Area with gel-like material inside cell membrane Image from: Area with gel-like material inside cell membrane surrounding mitochondria = ______________________ Power plant of cell that burns glucose and stores the energy as ATP = _______________ CYTOPLASM mitochondria
MITOCHONDRIA = cell power plant Surrounded by ___________ membrane Outer membrane & Inner membrane (called _______________ ) Space between inner membrane & outer membrane = ____________________ Space inside cristae folds = _________________ DOUBLE CRISTAE INTERMEMBRANE SPACE MATRIX
to release energy from FOOD (glucose) to make _____ Heterotrophs use ________________ to release energy from FOOD (glucose) to make _____ CELLULAR RESPIRATION ATP Image by Riedell Image from:
slowly in ________________. many steps CELLULAR RESPIRATION happens __________ in ________________. If all the energy was released in one step… most would be lost as ____________________! slowly many steps light and heat
PHOTOSYNTHESIS CELLULAR RESPIRATION 6 CO2 6 H2O C6H12O6 6O2 C6H12O6 ___________ + _________ + ___________ →_______________ + __________ 6 CO2 6 H2O C6H12O6 6O2 CELLULAR RESPIRATION C6H12O6 6 CO2 _____________ + _________ →________ + __________ + __________ ______________________________________________________________ 6O2 6 H2O The two equations are exact opposites!
Calorie UNITS FOR MEASURING HEAT ENERGY Unit for measuring energy in food = _______________ Calorie Image from:
Remember from Photosynthesis? High energy electron carrier = ___________ Cellular respiration uses some different carriers to transport high energy electrons. _______ & ________ NADP+ NAD+ FAD ________ + _________ → ____________ 2 e- + H+ NAD+ ________ + _________ → ____________ FAD 2 e- + 2H+
The first step in cellular respiration = __________________ Glycolysis happens in the ________________ outside the mitochondria GLYCOLYSIS CYTOPLASM See glycolysis movie
Glycolysis (GLYKOS = ________ LYSIS= ___________ ) BUT it needs some ____________to get it started. What molecule do you think is going to supply the energy do this? sweet split apart DOES NOT REQUIRE OXYGEN ENERGY ATP
GLYCOLYSIS GLUCOSE 2 PYRUVIC ACID 2 ATP’s 2 NADH ___________ → ________________ + Energy from _____________ bond charges up high energy ___________ GLUCOSE 2 PYRUVIC ACID ATP 2 ATP’s 2 NADH breaking carriers
PYRUVIC ACID ___________ OXYGEN WITHOUT 2 kinds of fermentation ___________________ & _____________________ WITHOUT ANAEROBIC Alcoholic Lactic acid
ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →__________ + ______ + _____ PYRUVIC ACID ALCOHOL CO2 NAD+ Happens when yeast makes bread dough rise CO2 bubbles make _____________ in bread Alcohol _______________ during cooking air spaces evaporates
ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →__________ + ______ + _____ PYRUVIC ACID ALCOHOL CO2 NAD+ Happens when ___________ make _______ or ____________ make ______ yeast beer bacteria wine
LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →______________ + ________ PYRUVIC ACID LACTIC ACID NAD+ muscles Happens in _____________ during ____________when body can’t get oxygen to tissues fast enough. Lactic acid builds up in muscles causing soreness exercise
LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION _______ +_____ →______________ + ________ PYRUVIC ACID LACTIC ACID NAD+ Happens when bacteria are used to make foods and beverages like: __________________________ yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, & sour cream, pickles, saurkraut, and kimchi
WHY DO FERMENTATION? WHY NOT JUST KEEP MAKING ATP USING GLYCOLYSIS? WITHOUT OXYGEN, PYRUVIC ACID ___________ and all the _______ carriers get full. Eventually glycolysis will builds up NAD+
→ → FERMENTATION HAPPENS so cells can ____________________ PYRUVIC ACID _______ +_____ →__________ + ______ + _____ CO2 NAD+ ALCOHOL → NAD+ LACTIC ACID ______ → You get the NAD+ carriers back FERMENTATION HAPPENS so cells can ____________________ needed to keep glycolysis going REGENERATE the NAD+
SOUTH DAKOTA SCIENCE STANDARDS Chapter 9 – Cellular Respiration: The students will be able to describe the process of cellular respiration (9-12.L.1.1) identify the components of glycolysis (9-12.L.1.1) compare the processes of alcoholic and pyruvic acid fermentations (9-12.L.1.1) analyze chemical reaction and chemical processes involved in the Krebs Cycle (9-12.L.1.1) explain the mitochondrial role in the ATP-ADP cycle (9-12.L.1.1) Assess the role of enzymes in plant reactions (LAB)
SOUTH DAKOTA CORE SCIENCE STANDARDS LIFE SCIENCE: Indicator 1: Understand the fundamental structures, functions, classifications, and mechanisms found in living things 9-12.L.1.1. Students are able to relate cellular functions and processes to specialized structures within cells. Photosynthesis and respiration ATP-ADP energy cycle Role of enzymes Mitochondria Chloroplasts
Core High School Life Science Performance Descriptors High school students performing at the ADVANCED level: analyze chemical reaction and chemical processes involved in the Calvin Cycle and Krebs Cycle; predict the function of a given structure; PROFICIENT level: describe and give examples of chemical reactions required to sustain life (…role of enzymes) describe and give examples of chemical reactions required to sustain life (hydrolysis, dehydration synthesis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, ADP/ATP, role of enzymes); describe the relationship between structure and function BASIC level name chemical reactions required to sustain life (… role of enzymes) name chemical reactions required to sustain life (hydrolysis, dehydration synthesis, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, ADP/ATP, role of enzymes); recognize that different structures perform different functions;
SOUTH DAKOTA ADVANCED SCIENCE STANDARDS LIFE SCIENCE: Indicator 1: Understand the fundamental structures, functions, classifications, and mechanisms found in living things. 9-12.L.1.1A. Students are able to explain the physical and chemical processes of photosynthesis and cell respiration and their importance to plant and animal life. (SYNTHESIS) Examples: Krebs Cycle