Chapter 19 Opener Interspecies interactions Evolution-2e-Chapter-19-Opener.jpg
Figure 19.1 Three kinds of coevolution Evolution-2e-Fig-19-01-0.jpg
Figure 19.2 The phylogeny of endosymbiotic bacteria included under the name Buchnera aphidicola is perfectly congruent with that of their aphid hosts Evolution-2e-Fig-19-02-0.jpg
Figure 19.3 (A) A phylogeny of specialized feather lice is mostly congruent with that of their hosts. (B) Lice transferred from rock pigeons to other individuals increased when the birds couldn’t preen Evolution-2e-Fig-19-03-0.jpg
Figure 19.3 (A) A phylogeny of specialized feather lice is mostly congruent with that of their hosts Evolution-2e-Fig-19-03-1.jpg
Figure 19.3 (B) Lice transferred from rock pigeons to other individuals increased when the birds couldn’t preen Evolution-2e-Fig-19-03-2.jpg
Figure 19.4 By and large, closely related species of Blepharida leaf beetles feed on chemically similar plants Evolution-2e-Fig-19-04-0.jpg
Figure 19.4 By and large, closely related species of Blepharida leaf beetles feed on chemically similar plants (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-04-1.jpg
Figure 19.4 By and large, closely related species of Blepharida leaf beetles feed on chemically similar plants (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-04-2.jpg
Figure 19.5 Predators and parasites have evolved many extraordinary adaptations to capture prey or infect hosts Evolution-2e-Fig-19-05-0.jpg
Figure 19.6 A computer simulation of genetic changes at (A) a resistance locus in a host and (B) an infectivity locus in a parasite Evolution-2e-Fig-19-06-0.jpg
Figure 19.7 Computer simulation of coevolution between prey and predator in which the optimal predator phenotype (e.g., mouth size) matches a prey phenotype (e.g., size) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-07-0.jpg
Figure 19.7 Computer simulation of coevolution between prey and predator in which the optimal predator phenotype (e.g., mouth size) matches a prey phenotype (e.g., size) (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-07-1.jpg
Figure 19.7 Computer simulation of coevolution between prey and predator in which the optimal predator phenotype (e.g., mouth size) matches a prey phenotype (e.g., size) (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-07-2.jpg
Figure 19.8 Variation in TTX resistance, measured by crawling speed after injection in relation to dose, in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) from several localities Evolution-2e-Fig-19-08-0.jpg
Figure 19.8 Variation in TTX resistance, measured by crawling speed after injection in relation to dose, in garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) from several localities Evolution-2e-Fig-19-08-0R.jpg
Figure 19.9 Evidence of adaptation of the Australian red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) to incursion of the South American cane toad (Bufo marinus) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-09-0.jpg
Figure 19.9 Evidence of adaptation of the Australian red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus) to incursion of the South American cane toad (Bufo marinus) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-09-0R.jpg
Figure 19.10 (A) A fledgling common cuckoo being fed by its foster parent, a much smaller reed warbler. (B) Mimetic egg polymorphism in the European cuckoo Evolution-2e-Fig-19-10-0.jpg
Figure 19.11 The furanocoumarins bergapten and sphondin are among the defensive compounds of wild parsnip, the host plant of a moth larva, the parsnip webworm Evolution-2e-Fig-19-11-0.jpg
Figure 19.12 Evidence of selection for defensive traits in the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-12-0.jpg
Figure 19.12 Evidence of selection for defensive traits in the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-12-1.jpg
Figure 19.12 Evidence of selection for defensive traits in the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-12-2.jpg
Figure 19.13 Imbalance in a coevolutionary conflict Evolution-2e-Fig-19-13-0.jpg
Figure 19.13 Imbalance in a coevolutionary conflict (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-13-1.jpg
Figure 19.13 Imbalance in a coevolutionary conflict (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-13-2.jpg
Figure 19.14 The fitnesses of three strains of a microsporidian parasite and their effects on various populations of the host species, the water flea Daphnia magna Evolution-2e-Fig-19-14-0.jpg
Figure 19.15 (A) In an experiment, bacteria were most successful in infecting “contemporary” Daphnia. (B) Bacteria virulence increased over time Evolution-2e-Fig-19-15-0.jpg
Figure 19.16 Mutualisms may result in extreme adaptations Evolution-2e-Fig-19-16-0.jpg
Figure 19.17 Yucca moths and their evolutionary history Evolution-2e-Fig-19-17-0.jpg
Figure 19.17 Yucca moths and their evolutionary history (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-17-1.jpg
Figure 19.17 Yucca moths and their evolutionary history (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-17-2.jpg
Figure 19.18 The members of an extraordinary mutualism Evolution-2e-Fig-19-18-0.jpg
Figure 19.19 A model of evolutionary divergence in response to competition Evolution-2e-Fig-19-19-0.jpg
Figure 19.20 Character displacement in bill size in seed-eating ground finches of the Galápagos Islands Evolution-2e-Fig-19-20-0.jpg
Figure 19.20 Character displacement in bill size in seed-eating ground finches of the Galápagos Islands (Part 1) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-20-1.jpg
Figure 19.20 Character displacement in bill size in seed-eating ground finches of the Galápagos Islands (Part 2) Evolution-2e-Fig-19-20-2.jpg
Figure 19.21 A history of change in mean beak size in the ground finch Geospiza fortis on the island of Daphne Major Evolution-2e-Fig-19-21-0.jpg
Figure 19.21 A history of change in mean beak size in the ground finch Geospiza fortis on the island of Daphne Major Evolution-2e-Fig-19-21-0R.jpg
Figure 19.22 Ecological release Evolution-2e-Fig-19-22-0.jpg
Figure 19.23 Speciation rates may be higher on islands than on the mainland, a pattern expected if island forms are free of competition with the more diverse mainland biota Evolution-2e-Fig-19-23-0.jpg
Figure 19.24 A nonrandom pattern of “equal spacing” among related predators may have evolved to minimize competition for food Evolution-2e-Fig-19-24-0.jpg
Figure 19.25 A mimicry ring Evolution-2e-Fig-19-25-0.jpg