Diagnosing Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Disease
Ways of Acquiring Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections
Spectrum of Disease Caused by NTM
Incidence of NTM Pulmonary Disease
Epidemiology Summary
NTM Presentations
Upper Lobe Cavitary Disease
NTM Presentations (cont)
Right Middle Lobe/Lingular Disease on CT Scan
NTM Presentations (cont)
Nodules and Infiltrates on CT Scan
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Typical Clinical Presentation of NTM Pulmonary Disease
Differential Diagnosis
Differences Between Europe and the United States in NTM Disease Presentations
ATS/IDSA Diagnostic Criteria
ATS/IDSA Diagnostic Criteria (cont)
Basic Components of the Diagnostic Evaluation
Sputum Testing for Acid-Fast Bacilli
Microbiologic Criteria for Diagnosis
Drug Susceptibility Testing
Differences Between Europe and the United States in Prevalence of NTM Pathogens Causing Pulmonary Disease
Practical Suggestions
Managing NTM Disease: State of the Art from 1979
References (cont)
References (cont)