Index Models Chapter 8 Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5
The Input List of The Markowitz Model Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5 The Input List of The Markowitz Model n = 50 estimates of expected return 50 estimates of variance (n2- N)/2 1,225 estimates of covariances 1,325 Total estimates
Standard Deviation (%) Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5 Correlation Matrix Asset Standard Deviation (%) Correlation Matrix A B C 20 1.00 0.90 0.00
Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5
Excess Return PGAS, ISAT, INDF,IHSG Bulan Mei-Juni 2010 Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5 Saham BETA PGAS -0.44 ISAT 0.013 INDF 0.034 Excess Return PGAS, ISAT, INDF,IHSG Bulan Mei-Juni 2010
Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5
Bodi Kane Marcus Ch 5 Life Expentancy