Cocaine Abuse Bye: Josh Ruffner
Street Names of Cocaine Blow Coke Crack Rock Snow (NIH)
Properties of cocaine Cocaine is a stimulant that is officially illegal in the United States outside of medical treatment (NIH) Cocaine can be used via injection, snorting, or smoking and is usually found in a form of white powder. (DEA)
Short term effects Cocaine increases the amount of dopamine in the brain which can effect brain communication. (NIH) Other short term effects include extreme happiness, hypersensitivity to bright light, loud sounds, and touch, they can also be easily irritated, and become paranoid easily. (NIH)
Long term Effects Snorting: Loss of smell and nosebleeds (NIH) Smoking: Mouth and gum decay (NIH) Injection: Risk of contracting HIV or Hepatitis c/ other blood illnesses (NIH)
The Dangers of Cocaine Dangers over time of abusing cocaine is mainly problems dealing with addiction. This leads to money loss, problems staying off the drug, induced crime rate, and bad sexual decisions.
Works Cited Abuse, National Institute on Drug. “Cocaine.” NIDA, June 2016, “Cocaine.” DEA / Cocaine, Drug Enforcement Administration,