FEAD Mid-Term Evaluation


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Presentation transcript:

FEAD Mid-Term Evaluation Overview of the structured survey on end recipients FEAD Evaluation Partnership Meeting Isabel Naylon, Brussels, 27.04.18

Structured surveys Receipt of 22 structured surveys to date: AT, BE, CY, CZ, EE, ES, FI, FR, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK Inclusion of nine in the DFR. Others will be included in FR Aggregation and analysis of the structured surveys Inclusion in Excel table Cleaning of the data Aggregation of data

Structured survey – A1 Type of FEAD assistance distributed to end recipients and how often is it distributed Food packages tend to be distributed monthly or less frequently. Meals tend to be provided on a daily basis. Goods for children and the homeless on a less frequent basis Other products tend to be distributed either daily or at longerintervals.

Structured survey – A2 Types of accompanying measures offered to end recipients

Structured surveys – A2 The most common accompanying measures are: Direction to competent social and administrative services Advice on food preparation and storage, cooking workshops, educational activities to promote healthy nutrition, or advice on how to reduce food waste

Structured surveys – A3 and A3a In all 22 Member States at least some POs provide material assistance to the respondents that is not financed by the FEAD. A3a Food packages AT, BE, CY, CZ, EE, ES, FI, GR, HR, HU, IE, MT, SK, IT, RO, SI, LU, LV, PL, PT Meals AT, BE, CY, CZ, ES, FI, HR, HU, IE, MT, SK, IT, RO, SI, LU, LV, PL, PT Goods distributed to children AT, BE, CY, CZ, ES, FI, HR, IE, MT, SK, IT, RO, SI, LU, LV, PL, PT Goods distributed to the homeless AT, BE, CZ, EE, ES, FI, HR, HU, IE, MT, SK, IT, RO, SI, LU, PL, PT Other goods AT, BE, CZ, ES, FI, GR, HR, HU, IE, MT, SK, IT, RO, SI, LU, PL, PT

Structured surveys – B1 Gender proportion of respondents In almost all countries except Cyprus and Hungary, most participants in the structured survey are female.

Structured survey – B2 Respondents by age group

Structured surveys – B2 In many Member States, those picking up the food packages or material assistance are between the ages of 25 and 49 or over 50. However, a large percentage of those receiving the assistance are other people of all age groups, but especially children. 31% of the end recipients surveyed are single parents. The breakdown by age and gender gives the following profile:

Structured survey – B5 and B6 Who is receiving the assistance and what is their age?

Structured surveys – B10 and B11 The provision of the food and material assistance seems to be working well in most of the MS with the most common difficulties being registration with the authorities and the need to travel long distances. In most MS, end recipients clearly state that FEAD has made a difference, while in one (Spain) most of the end recipients stated that the FEAD partially made a difference.

Structured survey B11 Could you tell me whether the assistance provided by the FEAD has made a difference to you or to the members of your household?

Structured surveys – B13 End recipient and/or other members of their household receiving assistance from other organisations

Structured surveys – B15 The advice or guidance offered under the accompanying measures was considered useful in most MS. A small proportion do not find it useful and in five Member States a large percentage of the respondents did not know or did not wish to answer. In some MS the accompanying measures fail to reach a relatively large proportion of end recipients.

Structured surveys – B15 Usefulness of the accompanying measures

Structured surveys – B16-B23 Characteristics of the respondents

Structured surveys – key findings Most end recipients have the nationality of the country (except in LU and AT), have a place to live, receive other benefits (except in ES, GR and LU) and do not have an income from work (except in LU).