Content Service Provider Definitions of Roles Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner * The Content Producer creates content * The Content Service Provider handles the distribution of content to the LMS. This could be a LCMS, Business, Hosting done by an LMS company or any combination of technology and business. * The LMS contains the meta data about the content. In some cases the LMS will also store the physical media as well. * The Learner is the individual who takes the content.
Definitions functionality Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Entitlement Who has access to what titles Purchasing The ability to purchase a new title Version Management Maintain the version of the content Student Status Needs to be aware of the student
Content Service Provider Sales Models Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner There are three major places where a sales transaction can occur. The transaction is the acquisition of new content 1. Between the Content Service Provider and the Content Producer 2.Between the LMS administrator and the Content Service Provider 3. Between the Learner and the Content Service Provider * Note: There is a scenario where Learners purchase from the LMS but that is usually done as an internal process to the LMS and does not get passed onto the Content Service Provider. ex: Charge Backs
Content Service Provider License Models Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner There are several sales and license models that are currently in use within the industry. The following focuses on the two most common. 1. LMS Admin purchases content from a Content Service Provider a. One title for one time use for one student. b. One title for time limited use for metered number of students c. Title list, time limited use for metered number of students d. Title list, time limited, any number of students Note: Title list can be dynamic, for example reference-ware. 2. Learner purchases content from a Content Service Provider a. One title for one time use b. One title for a limited amount of time c. Title list for a limited amount of time
Content Service Provider Requirements CP to CSP Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner The majority of content Producers who are selling content to Content Service Providers do not have an automated Entitlement system. However, this needs to be re-visited when they begin to automate the updating of Content Service Providers. Entitlement
Requirements CSP to LMS Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner The CSP to LMS relationship appears to be the weakest relationship technically under the current standards. * For entitlement, in every use case we need the LMS to access the current entitlement list from the CSP. There are currently two paradigms that need to be addressed, one is a notification from the CSP and the second is a poll from the LMS * Depending on the design, the list either consist of the titles you have purchased or the entire library including titles you have not purchased. This is also dependent on whether content purchased by an Admin is done through the LMS or through an interface provided by the CSP. Entitlement
Requirements CSP to LMS Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner At least two models exist for purchasing and they change depending on the Entitlement model used. 1. Purchasing occurs at the CSP and only the entitlement is shared with the LMS. 2. Purchasing occurs within the LMS Admin interface. This will require changes to the LMS and building out a specification for handling the transaction between the two systems. In both cases the CSP is defining the pricing and consumption model to the LMS. Purchasing
Requirements CSP to LMS Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner In every use case it is important that the LMS be aware of what version of the content is currently accessing. Multiple scenarios exist for this: * CSP always provides the latest version of the content, LMS is unaware. * CSP provides keeps student ID and maintains the version for the LMS on a student by student basis * CSP provides notification to the LMS/Admin and allows the new version to be managed from the LMS Note: We need to be able to identify a major and minor change to accommodate regulated content. Version Management
Requirements CSP to LMS Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Multiple scenarios exist with student status and the relationship between the CSP and LMS * LMS holds all the student data, the CSP only has access via the current standards calls. Uses the current SCORM/AICC runtime communication. * During runtime the CSP holds all of the data for that and then does a batch upload at the end of the student session. * During runtime the CSP holds all of the data for all students and then does a batch upload at a specified time. (breaks sequencing) Note: A discussion needs to happen regarding whether the CSP initiates the request for data or the LMS does a push. Student Status
Requirements LMS to Learner Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Entitlement for the Learner is managed by the LMS. Entitlement
Requirements LMS to Learner Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Learner purchases content from the LMS. The interface is managed by the LMS. Purchasing
Requirements LMS to Learner Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Version management is exposed by the LMS and the student is either given a choice or forced by the LMS. Version Management
Requirements LMS to Learner Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Student status is passed to the LMS, unless the content is using another method of communication that communicates directly to the CSP. (See CSP-Learner) Student Status
Requirements Learner to CSP Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Entitlement Purchasing Version Management Student Status
Business of E-Learning Before we start defining functional Use Cases, we have to have a clear idea of what business models we are going to support. Unlike earlier technologies, if e-learning moves toward Content As A Service via Web Services, lots of examples exist. The functional use cases will follow from the requirements to do business.
Existing Model Examples Book Publishing Industry Movie / Music industry Gateway / Dell / Apple / Car Dealers / The Gap Shopping Malls / Auto Parks E-learning The two primary models are: Channel and Direct Sales
Content Service Provider Books Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Content Producer: McGraw Hill, Pearson, etc Content Service Provider: Amazon, Borders, ebooks LMS: Corporate, School, one-on-one Learning: Students..
Content Service Provider Book Economic Models Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner With the exception of highly technical publications and e-learning, every Content Producer markets, sells and distributes through channels. As the publishing industry is moved toward the web, the first step was replicating the existing model. Selling on a website. As it moved toward electronic distribution it moved toward, podcast, ebooks and other online technologies.
Book Distribution Is the book publishing industry successful with e- learning? Does a distribution channel exist for their e-learning material?
Content Service Provider Movie/Music Industry Content Producer Content Service Provider LMS Learner Content Producer: Universal, Dreamworks, Disney, RCA Content Service Provider: Theaters, Blockbuster, Cable Companies, online services LMS: Cable Box, iTunes ? Learner: home
Movie/Music Distribution Is the movement away from traditional distribution methods toward On Demand similar to the transition we are trying to achieve? Protection of intellectual property Faster time to market Reduced cost of production and distribution Easier for people to consume (less interoperability problems)
A thought The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler