Country reports on UVI/trade volumes Agenda Item 5d STD Statistics Directorate 3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD
Main outcomes 17 replies received Relating to UVI and price indices calculated on infra-annual and most detailed (HS 6+2 or more) commodity trade Interest expressed in developing import/export price indices for services. Laspeyres(Q) and Paasche (P) –”ideal” Fisher seem to be next step when not already calculated. Volume indices are in general derived from price and value indices. Classifications: HS, SITC, BEC, ISIC, CPA, Prodcom, national classifications. 3rd WPTGS meeting 4-6 October 2010, OECD
UVI versus price indices. Some countries do not calculate UVI as “they do not distinguish changes in item quality mix and changes in prices” Other countries compile “mixed” XMPI (UVI for SITC 0-4 & enterprise surveys for SITC 5-8). Some compile UVI for benchmarking the survey based price indexes