Leadership and Management Training Diversity Team Committee Members: Ted Flory – Chair Steve Allen Denise Branam Kim Calvery Stan Ley Liaisons: Henry Alaman Jack Rogers
Introduction Reviewed employee survey completed 2 years ago Handouts of Matrix (Exhibit 1 and 2) –No particular ranking –Same information presented in a different format Criteria for promotion/hiring practices Recommendations for training –Mandatory attendance at some classes –Part of performance evaluation –List of classes and subjects provided
Introduction Four Areas of Concern: W= Work environment P= Promotion Practices A= Accountability C= Communications 26 desired traits: Common to each area of concern,
Committee Objective Make recommendations with regard to a management training program as it relates to diversity
Summary Training program areas Mandatory training expectations Phase 2 activities Conclusion
Management Training Program Areas Identified in Employee Survey Morale/Job Satisfaction Quality of Leadership Skills Management Expertise Communication – Different Communication Styles
Management Training Expectations Supervisory Responsibilities Minimum training to be completed and documented, within the last year, before an individual is promoted to a lead work or supervisory position. –Core curriculum –Diversity –Communication
Management Training Expectations Supervisory Responsibilities Minimum of two courses per year, of which one relates to communication –Core Curriculum –Journey into Leadership Program –Communication Training i.e. Paul Axtell; OSU Human Resources –Diversity Training –Management Theory and Styles
Desired Attributes of Management Style See handouts Employee survey
Suggested Training Options See handout provided in packet
Desired Result Develop Management Personnel with a broad selection of training and experience that meets OSUs goals and management roles.
Phase 2 Activities Develop comprehensive training options –Technical and administrative –Professional development of staff Committee to locate training resources and track accountability Supervisors evaluated on professional development of staff
Phase 2 Activities Develop proactive interviewing criteria –Includes suggested interview questions Committee returns to F&A divisions to review and reflect on accomplishments
Conclusion Provide feedback on these questions: 1)Other training opportunities that you are aware of 2)Issues identified in the employee survey 3)Recommendations related to leadership and management training 4)Anticipated obstacles to recommendations from committee