PRODCOM-Statistics in Austria


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Presentation transcript:

PRODCOM-Statistics in Austria Tanja Wlaschinsky Nina Waltner Directorate Business Statistics Industry and Construction Vienna 15 October 2013 Industry and Construction

General information - (OE)PRODCOM Commodity classifications: cover national codes – derived from either PRODCOM or CPA codes APS: precisely articulated + published monthly/quarterly/yearly Since 1970 APS are integrated in overall concept of STS statistical survey cover/analyse activities of economic branches (OENACE 2008 (NACE Rev.2) –sections B to F –divisions 05 to 43) “Industry and construction” - economic branches: Mining and quarrying (Section B of OENACE 2008) Manufacturing (Section C of OENACE 2008) Electricity, gas, stream and air conditioning supply (Section D of OENACE 2008) Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (Section E of OENACE 2008) and Construction (Section of OENACE 2008).

Survey population Survey covers enterprises in NACE Rev. 2 sections B to F that surpass following thresholds: Employment: 20 and more persons (valid for sub units) Turnover: 1 million EUR and more Units selected must represent 90% of national production per OENACE class Activity units: Single activity – LKAU (established) enterprises All sub units  same main activity reporting 1 questionnaire Multi activity – LKAU (established) enterprises reporting 1 to x questionnaires due to different activities

Harmonised and comparable indicators Single activity enterprises  dependencies Employment statistics Volume of work statistics Labour costs statistics   Volume of order statistics Turnover statistics Production statistics STS survey (provisional year results 2012) figueres rate Enterprises 12 681 + 3.4% against previous year Employment 7 773 088 total 770 932 employees + 1.3% + 1.4% Earnings employees EUR 31.9 bn + 4.9% Turnover EUR 250.7 bn + 5.3% Domestic turnover EUR 130.2 bn 51% of total turnover

The Austrian PRODCOM-List is based on the headings of the latest PRODCOM list, extended with two extra digits because of their importance to national market analyses. The national codifications consists of 10 digits. The product list is enlarged by further product headings for the (OE)NACE section E and especially section 43, as well as for commodities representing mostly secondary activities. Headings which cannot be based on valid PRODCOM 8 digits must fit into valid hierarchical levels of CPA 2008 (repairs, establishing, …) Commodity list 1 => all products + services of divisions 05 – 43 Commodity list 2 => product related services (45 - 96) Respondents need at least total production and production sold data – by quantity (wherever useful) for all physical products as well as valued for all headings.

Types of production and product valuation Own production (intended for sale) Deliveries and performances within the enterprise Contract processing carried out by the observation unit as a sub contractor Production/performances sold Contract processing carried out by another enterprise (reported by the principal) For EC-reporting purposes the following reporting types are calculated: total technical production cover all own-produced goods and performances as well as contract processing carried out by the observation unit as a sub-contractor total production = own production + contract processing carried out by another enterprise

Data Collection and Validation Periodicity = monthly; deadline is the 15th of the following month We use a Business Register from which we extract names and addresses of the companies included in the STS-Statistics Observation unit of PROCOM = local kind of activity unit (LKAU) Questionaires: Electronic Questionnaires: Web-Questionnaires ( – 87% E-Quest: is a Windows-application implemented in Visual Basic which is in use since 2001 and especially addressed to medium and large enterprises - 7% Mailed Paper-Questionnaires – about 6% Response-Rate: 98 %

Coverage STS survey covers all enterprises and their LKAUs within ÖNACE Dev. B-F with 20 and more employees and a total turnover of 1 Million Euro and more This cut-off allows us to minimize response burden while we reach at least 90% of national production per OENACE 2008 (NACE Rev. 2)-class Units which are below the response burden are estimated (still in an evaluation stadium): For this purpose we use administrative turnover- and employment data, historical information and trends of other enterprises manufacturing same products.


Thank you for your attention! Please address queries to: Tanja Wlaschinsky or Nina Waltner