Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph MEDICATION SAFETY (Presented By : Batch A -Group 1 : Mr Peter Sailo, Dr Cuckoo John,Ms Limi Abraham, Ms Neelam Sharma, Ms Shiji Jose, Ms Hema K R, Ms Nigini Poulose) Reviewed By- Dr Vijay Agarwal Dr Chander Mohan Bhagat Dr Lallu Joseph
Medication safety definition Freedom from preventable harm with medication use
MOM Standards Standards (SHCO/HCO) Objective Elements (SHCO/HCO) MOM 5/7 18/22
Intent of the standards Safe and organised medication process The process include: Purchase Storage Prescription Dispensing Administration of medicines Availability of emergency medication Monitoring mechanism to ensure that the required medication are always stocked well within expired dates Monitoring of patient after administration and procedure for reporting and analysing adverse drug events Special emphasis on use of radioactive drugs
Safe and organised medication process-Storage Written protocol in apex manual Stored in clean and safe environment and as per the recommendations from manufacturer. FIFO method (policy for identifying near expiry) Temperature maintenance, temperature monitoring Proper storage- free from Pest LASA medicines identified and stored separately Expiry date to be monitored- 3 mths List of emergency medicine should be in place and available at all time. CRASH cart should be in a standardise manner with the list of medicine.
Safe and organised medication process-Prescription Written protocol in apex manual Who to prescribe- Registered doctors Where to document- IP Doc (uniform location), op doc (format) How to prescribe- Clear, legible, dated and signed. frequency, dose, route, special instruction if any, No abbreviations ( list of approved abbreviations), generic name Verbal orders- approved list of drugs which can be ordered verbally, READ BACK, counter sign within 12 hrs. NA for high risk medicines List of high risk medication & emergency medication
Safe and organised medication process-Dispensing Written protocol in apex manual regarding who all are permitted for dispensing Verify medication orders & expiry dates Double check / verify high risk medication orders
Safe and organised medication process- Administering Written protocol in apex manual Who all can administer medicines(state/ national guideline) Name, UHID, Treatment orders, dosage, route etc should be checked Prepared medication is labelled prior to preparation of the second drug Medication time should be as per the policy of Hospital Documentation of medication immediately after administration Statutory Requirements for narcotics(licence, double lock) 6 R in medicine administration (Right patient, right drug, right dose, right time, right route, Right Documentation)