Multiple choice section – 10 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each Gilded Age Consumer Economy Democratic and republican parties in the late 19th Century 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments (2) Progressive movement 19th amendment Wilson’s foreign policy why the us joined wwi Presentation question
Short answer - Short Answer IDs are, as the name suggests, short answers- usually a few sentences. You do not need to be detailed on these. There are 5 short answers worth 6 points each. Why did Mark Twain call the late 19th century a ‘Gilded Age?’ Briefly explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments and describe the institutions that made them ineffective What major changes in American life facilitated the Progressive Era and why Briefly explain why the US and Spain went to war in 1898 List the major powers that fought on both sides of WWI
Explanatory id’s - The Explanatory IDs are essays Explanatory id’s - The Explanatory IDs are essays. You need to be detailed and specific. They are worth 50 points (half your exam score). You will choose ONE of the three options. Was Mark Twain correct in defining the post-Civil War years as a Gilded Age? Why or why not? Explain. Which issues affected the northern states and which issues were centered in the south? How did Progressives seek to change culture, politics, and society during the early 20th Century? Finally, and most importantly, did the Progressive Era truly end? If so, why and if not, how is it manifest today? Discuss US foreign policy from the late 19th century through WWI. Could American expansion be seen as imperialism? What major factors drove the US to expand its borders and what conflicts resulted from this expansion? what changed in US foreign policy in the early 20th century and why did the US join wwi? how did industrialization promote and expand the consumer economy in the United States? what was the relationship between the US government and business in the late 19th century and how did this change both the economy and working conditions? Finally, and most importantly, how does the consumer economy affect us today (economically, socially, politically)?