Direct Payment Support Service Louise Thorp, Head of Operations (IAG) Joe Brown, IAG Manager (Swindon)
Direct Payments & Transitions Children Adult Direct Payments
“Having a Direct Payment is like being a Chief Executive – you are in control and you don’t have to do everything yourself – you have a team to support you.”
Direct Payment Options Employing your own PA or support team Combination of both Chose your own agency or service
Information, Advice & Guidance Advice about employer obligations and recruiting staff Budgeting Employers Liability Insurance Contract of Employment On-going support by phone, email, home visits or meetings at Sanford House
Payroll Services Register with HM Revenue and customs Register with a Pension provider Calculate monthly payroll (including HMRC, pensions and Statutory payments) End of year returns Process P45 and P60 documents On-going support
The DP recipient is still the employer/contractor Managed Account Pay invoices authorised by DP Recipient or their representative Provide quarterly statements Pay employees wages and HMRC directly Provide the local Authority with quarterly financial returns The DP recipient is still the employer/contractor
Case Study quote “I had really good support from everyone, M’s care manager, commissioners and Enham Trust. They discussed everything with us, the pros and cons, supported us to consider everything, we discussed how to get staff and how that worked. The support provided meant I didn’t need to worry about anything. I know if I have a problem support is just a phone call away. The only negative I have to say is it’s a pity we didn’t do this 10 years ago as M’s life would have been so much nicer.”
Working In Partnership with Swindon Enham Trust Swindon Office Sanford House, Sanford Street, Swindon SN1 1HE Contact us Telephone: 01264 345 800 email: