Focus Question: Did the problems caused by Industrialization outweigh its positive effects in the US around the year 1900? HW:Read and highlight articles in Project Packet (p.7-14). Summarize 3 on p. 6 and answer questions on p.7. Be ready to discuss on Monday. w/b graded.
Focus Question: Did the problems caused by Industrialization outweigh its positive effects in the US around the year 1900? Do Now: Mark Twain called the era we are now studying the Gilded Age not the Golden Age. Gilded means covered in a thin layer of gold paint or gold ‘leaf’. Predict: what could the label The Gilded Age tell us about this time period?
child labor low pay pollution The results of laissez-faire policies: poor working conditions low pay laissez-faire: (in French= let it be) the belief that government should not interfere with business matters. pollution monopolies unsafe foods and medicines government corruption
Social Darwinism: The idea that “the strongest survive” – it was used to justify the growing gap between rich and poor, as well the creation of monopolies which drove smaller companies out of business.