ESA 2010 Quality assessment framework


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Presentation transcript:

ESA 2010 Quality assessment framework ESTAT, C2 Ani Todorova Hans Wouters

Contents The importance of quality for European statistics Development of ESA 2010 quality assessment framework National quality report Relationship with GNI quality monitoring Questions to GNI Committee GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

1. The importance of quality for European statistics (1) ESS commitment to quality is demonstrated by: Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 [amended by Regulation (EU) 2015/759] Eurostat’s mission is to be a leading provider of high quality statistics ESS handbook for quality reports ESMS and ESQRS metadata and quality assessment standards GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

1. The importance of quality for European statistics (2) And also shown through: Development of quality reports for several domains of European statistics (LFS, international trade in goods, balance of payments) Work on compliance monitoring Task Force on data validation GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

2. Development of ESA 2010 quality assessment framework (1) Main messages from Regulation (EU) No 549/2013, articles 4 & 12 MS shall provide report on quality of transmitted data Eurostat shall assess quality of MS' data transmissions Provision of report on application of the regulation to Council and European Parliament by 1 July 2018 and every five years thereafter GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

2. Development of ESA 2010 quality assessment framework (2) Eurostat envisages to implement the legal requirements by: Developing three types of reports National quality report (art 4-2, annual exercise, ESTAT prefills and countries complete/comment) Eurostat summary report (art 4-4, annual exercise, ESTAT prepares) Commission summary report for Council and Parliament (art 12, 5-yearly exercise, ESTAT/Commission prepares) Prepare a draft 'Commission implementing Regulation' regarding quality of national and regional accounts GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

2. Development of ESA 2010 quality assessment framework (3) Three types of quality reports and their relationships: GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

3. National quality report Main features Covering full ESA 2010 TP/all domains Covering all ESS quality criteria Mainly quantitative approach Mainly to be prefilled by Eurostat To be commented and completed by Member States Frequency: partly annual, partly multi-annual No publication Serving as input for annual summary report GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

4. Relationship with GNI quality monitoring (1) Requirements stem from separate legal acts, and… Purpose and scope of ESA 2010 quality report different from GNI quality reports, but… Data of GNI and ESA 2010 TP both based on the same ESA 2010 requirements – consistency expected GNI can benefit from improved data resulting from quality assessment of national accounts GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

4. Relationship with GNI quality monitoring (2) Information available in Eurostat will be (re)used to maximum possible extent Information from GNI inventories used for prefilling national quality reports Several parts of (public) information chapter 1 GNI inventory Three GDP approaches/balancing the GDP Main data sources GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

5. Questions to GNI Committee Do you have any recommendations or expectations regarding the ESA 2010 quality assessment exercise? Do you have any other questions? GNIC meeting - 21/10/15

ESA 2010 Quality assessment framework ESTAT, C2 Ani Todorova Hans Wouters