Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter 10-23-17 Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter 972-427-6050 Reminders… -Subscribe to our class webpage -Please check your child’s folder daily. -Please keep a full change of clothes in student’s backpack. -Please have your 3-digit code visible at pick up. -Follow our class on twitter @cbchadwick. -Start sending Box Tops to earn money for our school. Weekly Objectives… Learning about responsibility Identifies letters and sounds Learning about the role of the community in their lives and the importance of good citizenship Uses simple maps and position words Color Black Nursery Rhyme: Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater Important Dates: 10/23 – Red Ribbon Week.. Mon. Give Drugs the Slip slippers and flip flops DRESS CODE clothes Tue. RED DAY--red shirt/shoes/socks with DRESS CODE bottoms (no hats) Wed. Team Up against Drugs--favorite team jersey/shirt with DRESS CODE bottoms Thu. Hide from Drugs—camo—tops/pants/overalls, or jeans WITH camo shirt Fri. Pirates Don’t Do Drugs—Spirit shirt and or hats with jeans - 10/25 – Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch at First United Methodist Church in Kaufman 10/26 – Fall Festival 6:00 – 7:30 Phonics Focus Math Focus Review of Letters Ff Concepts of counting, using Social Skills Focus: position words, comparing distances responsibility Color: black