UGRC 160 – Introduction to Literature SESSION 4
Session Objectives At the end of the session, the student will Understand what theme is and be able to identify it in a literary work. Understand the distinction or difference between Subject matter and Theme Employ his/her understanding of theme to ‘uncover’ the themes in Mohammed Naseehu Ali’s “The Prophet of Zongo Street”
Introduction to Prose (Short-Fiction) – Part 3- A Discussion on Theme The theme of a piece of fiction is its view about life and how people behave. In fiction, the theme is not intended to teach or preach. In fact, it is not presented directly at all. You extract it from the characters, action, and setting that make up the story. In other words, you must figure out the theme yourself.
The writer’s task is to communicate a common ground with the reader The writer’s task is to communicate a common ground with the reader. The general underlying truths behind the story, provide the connection between the writer and his readership. The theme (s) acts as the foundation or controlling idea in the entire literary piece.
What Themes are expressed in Naseehu Ali’s “The Prophet of Zongo Street?” Think about the narrator (attitude, utterances etc) What is the Story about? The writer’s style? How is the story told?
“Must one always be happy “Must one always be happy? We human beings live every day of our lives in expectation of happiness. The reason we are never happy in life is that we are never content with what we have” Is this true? Discuss.
Some Themes Explored in “The Prophet of Zongo Street” Religious Conflict or Clash of Religious Doctrines Individual belief Against Societal expectations Innocence and the desire to discover new knowledge Change as Abrasive to society