Psoriasis Can Impact Reproductive Function


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Presentation transcript:

Psoriasis Can Impact Reproductive Function

Psoriasis is one of the more well-known skin disorders, and it can cause discomfort for many who suffer from it. It also can be something of a male organ health concern as, surprisingly, many men with psoriasis also suffer from reproductive function issues.

What is psoriasis? The National Psoriasis Foundation defines psoriasis as “an immune- mediated disease that causes raised, red, scaly patches to appear on the skin.” It most often presents on the knees, elbows or scalp, but it can occur anywhere on the body (including the member). The rash is often itchy and in some cases it can also sting and crate a burning sensation. The exact cause of psoriasis is not known, although it appears to have a genetic connection that somehow affects the immune system. People with psoriasis grow skin cells at a much faster rate than is typical, which is what brings about the scaly skin rashes.

Study A recent article published in JAMA Dermatology looked at 28 previously published studies. Entitled “Association Between Psoriasis and Sensual and Tumescence Dysfunction in Epidemiologic Studies,” the article sought to examine evidence for any links between psoriasis and sensual health. The 28 studies reviewed involved more than 52,000 people with psoriasis. (It also compared them to more than 1,800,000 people without psoriasis, so that they had a large control group.) After completing the study, the authors determined that men with psoriasis may be up to four times as likely to have tumescent male organ issues than men who do not suffer from psoriasis.

Not the disease itself The study did not seem to indicate that the disease itself caused the tumescence dysfunction; it was more that having the disease created situations in which a tumescent male organ issue was more likely to occur. For example, the study found that many men with psoriasis exhibited signs of increased anxiety and depression, and that it was these factors which were ultimately more responsible for the tumescence dysfunction. In some cases, the presence of psoriasis on the manhood and/or sacks could also be likely to increase tumescence issues. Again, this seems to be less a result of the disease itself and more a result of the feelings that it arouses in the victim.

Because the disease has an impact beyond the visible presence on the skin, the study authors suggest that doctors need to take this into consideration when treating psoriasis. For example, in addition to prescribing medications designed to treat the skin eruption, a doctor may want to try to ascertain if anxiety or depression is being fueled by the disease. If so, they may suggest a visit to a mental health professional or, if they are qualified, suggest strategies for dealing with these emotional issues. The age of the individual was also seen as a factor; often men experience more tumescent male organ challenges as they approach their older years. Men with psoriasis who also experience tumescence issues should discuss this with their doctors and seek assistance in resolving this issue.

Even with no tumescent male organ issues, psoriasis on the manhood can cause discomfort to a man. Maintaining expert male organ health may help, so men should regularly apply a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Achieving proper skin moisturization is crucial, so the chosen crème should include both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Additional vitamins, such as C and D, can also help to benefit delicate member skin. Finally, if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, so much the better. This potent antioxidant fights excess free radicals and thereby reins in potential oxidative stress.Man 1 Man Oil