Schaefer Lake Lot Owners Association Dam Maintenance Day May 7, 2016 1-3pm Rain makeup day May 17, 2016 1-3pm
Background and objectives DNR performed our regular dam inspection (occurs every 3 years) on March 11, 2016. The noted a few items that need attention which drove the dam maintenance day Agenda for the maintenance day East side culvert rip rap Fill in dirt Mouse runs west and east side Pressure wash the graffiti off on the concrete wall bordering 500N Sunken spot on the east side near man hole West side at the top of the spillway at the crest Grass seed The triangular section between the 1’ pipe, the spill way, and the crest of the dam Any other areas that we put fresh dirt Concrete repair on the spillway structure Remove all sticks and debris from entire dam from the ramp to the Fye’s. Also, the debris at the intersection of the ditch at the toe of the dam and the spillway basin Remove any weed or tree growth along the spillway Repair the white fence at the intersection of the ditch at the toe of the dam and the spillway basin Move stone/gravel back to fill up holes along the west side along 500N
Fill dirt and grass seed Rake this area with iron rake then back seed. Then straw mat for protection Fill in these areas with fill dirt then back seed. Then straw mat for protection Mouse run both east and west side of embankment Depression in the embankment
Rip rap work east side East side toe of the dam near the spillway. Move riprap backup to protect the grass embankment East side culvert rip rap, just the corner were it is bare dirt
Spillway concrete repair work Fill all cracks with mortar or concrete filler. Suppliers will be provided
Move stone/gravel back to fill up holes along the west side along 500N Shovel/rake back the stone and gravel along the east side of 500N to fill in the holes. Rake the ditch smooth. Back fill with dirt and seed as necessary
Remove all sticks and debris from entire dam from the ramp to the Fye’s. Also, the debris at the intersection of the ditch at the toe of the dam and the spillway basin
Miscellaneous Pressure wash the graffiti off the concrete wall on 500N Sign is broken at the base. Need a new stake Repair the white fence at the intersection of the ditch at the toe of the dam and the spillway basin
What to bring? Yourself and your neighbor Shovels, rakes, wheel borrows Trucks to haul off debris and a saw to cut up long logs Caulking guns for concrete patch work