Oil Spills: effects and management International Conference on Marine Incidents Management October 2006 Bruges Sjon Huisman North Sea Agency The Netherlands
3 Effects Ecological effects: sea life; flora and fauna at the coastline; Mari cultures Economic effects: loss of harvest of Mari cultures; recreation; loss of manpower; general trade (blocking ports) Emotional effects: not yet mentioned in contingency plans. Political effects: e.g. Nunca Mais
4 Effects (2) Boost in developing new equipment Revision of existing plans and scenarios Incentive for improvement of organisations International discussions and meetings on new rules International cooperation (would EMSA exist: ERIKA/PRESTIGE?)
5 Managing Three levels: - operational level managing response operations - strategic/tactical level managing the entire incident - policy level ministers level governance
6 What equipment, Where to start, Maintaining equipment, Logistics,
7 Managing strategic/tactic Matters of liability, Generic legal aspects, Impact assessment, Consultations with coastal authorities (municipalities; counties), Response options, Waste treatment, Claim management
8 Managing Sample analysis Burden of proof with authorities, Obvious perpetrator ? Mixture of oils and residues Mystery slicks, where is the polluter, Investigations Conflict of interest, sampling or no sampling.
9 Managing Mysteries
10 Managing Mysteries Oil patches covering the beach, over 50 kilometres, No source identified, Seasonal effects, Claim management, FIND THE SOURCE! (more important than anything else; press, politicians)
11 Managing mysteries Sampling/analysis, - poorly refined product bunkers - crude from Ukraine well. Paris MOU PSC search BONN AGREEMENT search - Bulk carrier found with damaged fuel tank, - Reference samples,
12 Managing mysteries Burden of proof, Preparing civil claim and Preparing prosecution. Rumanian company was liable, Captain and company punished - main issue animal welfare No payment received
13 Managing mysteries Similarities and differences: - pollution impact assessment, - response measures, - health and safety aspects for responders - waste treatment, - claim management, - evidence, prosecution, - media attention, - informing political level, - claim management,
14 Management at EU level Guideline on incident management: - liability, - costs management, - claim management, Collective approach of P&I clubs