2009 Tropical Cyclone Conference UNCLASSIFIED 2009 Tropical Cyclone Conference United State Transportation Command 1Lt Paul Hayes, 618 TACC/XOW
USTRANSCOM Mission & Vision USTRANSCOM Organization Overview UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM Mission & Vision USTRANSCOM Organization USTRANSCOM Orientation METOC Organization Tropical Impacts Hot Topics
USTRANSCOM Mission & Vision UNCLASSIFIED Mission: To provide air, land, and sea transportation for the Department of Defense (DOD) in time of peace and war. Strategic Vision: USTRANSCOM, providing timely, customer-focused global mobility in peace and war through efficient, effective, and integrated transportation from origin to destination.
TRANSCOM Organization Service Components Air Mobility Command (AMC) Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) Military Sealift Command (MSC) SDDC USTRANSCOM has three service components – Air Mobility Command, the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, and Military Sealift Command. I should note here that during an average week, USTRANSCOM and its components orchestrate more than 1,900 air missions, 25 ships under way and 10,000 ground shipments operating in 75 percent of the world’s countries. MSC AMC 20-23 Oct 08 4 4 4
TRANSCOM Organization Air Mobility Command High-demand force and cargo movement capability 18th Air Force (AF) serves as the air component (AFTRANS) Provides airlift, air refueling, aeromedical evacuation, and air mobility support Most of AMC A-staff doubles as AFTRANS staff Air Mobility Command is the air component to USTRANSCOM. 18th Air Force owns the forces responsible for providing capability across the spectrum of air mobility operations, including airlift, air refueling, aeromedical evacuation, and air mobility support. AMC’s capabilities are always in very high demand. Fiscal 2008’s operational totals supporting the Global War on Terrorism – including 214, 348 short tons of equipment supporting GWOT, and 145,774 passengers moved on AMC scheduled channel and airlift missions. Special Assignment Airlift Missions and contingency missions accounted for another 375,234 short tons of cargo and equipment, and 1,430,515 passengers. Much of AMC’s staff has a dual role as the AFTRANS staff. 5 5 5
TRANSCOM Organization Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) The single surface deployment and distribution provider for surface movement of all DOD cargo Traffic & freight management, household goods, privately owned vehicles Operates 24 seaports worldwide Humanitarian supplies Assets in motion for SDDC each day: More than 1,000 trucks 10 trains 70 vessels The Surface Deployment and Distribution Command serves as the single surface deployment and distribution provider through the surface movement of all DOD cargo, traffic and freight management, household goods, privately owned vehicles. SDDC operates 24 seaports worldwide. SDDC achieves its success in deploying, sustaining, and distributing DOD equipment and supplies by leveraging the capability of commercial industry and other military services. On any given day, more than a thousand trucks, 10 trains, and 70 vessels are carrying cargo for SDDC. The command procures more than $1.5 billion annually in commercial truck, rail, barge, pipeline, and ocean transportation services. 6 6 6
TRANSCOM Organization Military Sealift Command Provides ocean transportation and chartered commercial ships Carries more than 90% of all equipment and supplies needed to sustain US military forces during combat ops Distinct business areas: Tanker operations Dry cargo Strategic Surge Afloat Prepositioned Force-T SOURCE: 2007 USTC ANNUAL COMMAND REPORT Military Sealift Command provides ocean-going transportation through organic and chartered commercial ships, delivering combat equipment, vehicles, fuel, supplies, and ammunition to sustain US forces worldwide during peace and war. During combat operations, MSC carries more than 90% of all the equipment and supplies needed to sustain the US military forces. MSC has four distinct business areas which provide both common-user strategic sealift capability (tanker operations, dry cargo, and strategic surge) and theater-specific prepositioned support (Afloat Prepositioned Force-T). UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 7 7 7
TRANSCOM Orientation Key Mission Areas: Provide common-user and commercial air, land, and sea transportation, terminal management, and aerial refueling Develop and implement global joint mobility sourcing solutions from all mobility forces and capabilities Act as the Distribution Process Owner overseeing the effectiveness, efficiency, and alignment of DOD-wide distribution activities Serve as the Distribution Portfolio Manager to include managing the distribution portfolio’s information technology Provide global patient movement Serve as the DOD single manager for Operational Support Airlift assets This slide provides you with USTRANSCOM’s key mission areas 8 8 8
METOC Organization USTRANSCOM has no full-time Senior METOC Officer (SMO) assigned to the staff Per MOA between USTC/J3, AMC/A3, and 618 TACC/CC: AMC/A3W provides SMO and staff expertise Participates in staff planning and METOC analysis Coordinates on/reviews publications 618 TACC/XOW provides METOC production services (USTRANSCOM’s JMCO) Briefing slides Specialized METOC services, including support tailored to 18 AF aircraft under 618 TACC control MSC has no HQ METOC support; operational support is provided through area command METOC assets SDDC has no dedicated METOC support Since late 2003, USTRANSCOM has not had any METOC staff assigned directly to USTRANSCOM. By memorandum of agreement between the USTRANSCOM/J3, the AMC A3, and the 618th TACC commander, AMC/A3W will provide the Senior METOC Officer and staff expertise for staff planning and METOC analysis. The 618th TACC weather directorate serves as the Joint METOC Coordination Organization. METOC support to Military Sealift Command is mission-specific and occurs only through the respective area commands. There are no METOC billets on the MSC staff specifically for the headquarters. SDDC has no dedicated METOC support. 9 9 9
Tropical Impacts Interested in all Tropical Storms worldwide Main issues come with routing around storms, especially with choke points Predict any base impacts using Hurritrak Advanced with onset of sustained 35KT winds and/or 25KT X-Winds TY SINLAKU 15W
Tropical Impacts: Routing 618 TACC uses flight managers at its HQ to act as “Virtual Crew Members” XOW notifies flight managers of adverse weather (i.e. a TC in the way) XOW works with the Flight managers to mitigate the effects of the poor weather Sinlaku required 12 missions to have to change their routing. Threatened Kadena Occurred at the same time that Ike was bearing down on Texas
Tropical Impacts: Ike 10/18Z SEP 08 UNCLASSIFIED YELLOW = WINDS>25<35KTS RED =WINDS > 35 KTS XW = Cross Wind on Wet Rwy > 25 KT 10/18Z SEP 08
Hot Topics UNCLASSIFIED Review of USTC/J3 – AMC/A3 – 618 TACC/CC MOA governing USTC METOC support …color commentary about potential options?... USTC Hurricane Exercise – 27-29 May 09 Multi-state, multi-agency participation TX & LA emergency management agencies to participate USNORTHCOM invited 1 day of academics, 2 partial days dedicated to play