The Great Depression
Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Tried to restore confidence Helped businesses in hopes of a “trickle down” effect Created some public works programs to create jobs Who are we going to blame For this Great Depression?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt “I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.” 100 Days – first few months of presidency saw intense action, 15 pieces of New Deal Legislation Master communicator used “fireside chats” to get his message to the people over radio
First lady Eleanor, continued to push humanitarian, women’s, and minority issues to her husband
The New Deal in Action Alphabet Soup Programs Relief Recovery Reform 198-200 RB Blue book p.665-675 Red book p. 696-707
THE NEW DEAL strategies Action was direct, federal gov’t more involved in economy than ever before This required lower taxes, but increased gov’t spending Increased federal regulation over banks, businesses, stock exchange Deficit spending – gov’t was spending more than taking in to stimulate economy so people would start spending again
FDR AND THE SUPREME COURT, CONSTITUTION, AND CRITICS, Schechter Poultry Corp. v. U.S. 1935 Declared the NRA (National Recovery Act) unconstitutional Why? Congress does not have the right to regulate intrastate commerce, (commerce within a state) or pass that to the executive branch Violated separation of powers by giving this power to the executive branch (Congress is supposed to regulate commerce)
U.S. v. Butler 1936 AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) declared unconstitutional Why? Agriculture is a local, not interstate matter according to 10th Amendment
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Provided jobs, flood control, cheap electricity for rural areas of 7 states But some criticized it as being socialist
The Judicial Reorganization Plan Also know as the “court packing” plan New Deal legislation continues to get vetoed by Court so… FDR wanted the number of Supreme Court justices to go from 9 – 15 if they refused to retire at age 70 What does this threaten? Separation of Powers and system of checks and balances
3rd Term Unwritten constitution says presidents should only serve 2 terms Who started this precedent? FDR wins a 4th term! 22nd Amendment later passed to limit presidential terms to 2
Critics Less opportunities for women and African Americans than white men Progressives and Socialist said FDR not going far enough Republicans and some business owners said programs too socialist, FDR like a dictator, wealthy don’t like higher taxes Some critical of new role of gov’t and deficit spending that adds to national debt
New Deal Helped with many of the problems of the Depression, but WWII probably helped more Open up to p. 211 in RB