KFRS Falls Pathway with Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley Clinical Commissioning Group and Kent Public Health January 2016
Why a Referral Pathway Increasing number of elderly fallers Costs of acute care rising Prevention and education reduces some risks Joint home safety visits linked to pre-screens Links to postural/exercise classes
How does it work KFRS conduct a falls risk assessment during a vulnerable person visit. Pre-screen assessment uses 5 questions to measure stability, balance, check medication and review trip hazards.
The Falls Screening Questionnaire includes 5 questions which determine the level of risk for the Falls Prevention Service: Reason for referral Yes No Is there a history of any fall in the previous year (injurious and non-injurious)? Is the person on 4 or more medications per day? Does the person have a diagnosis of stroke or Parkinson’s Disease or other physical conditions which might mean they are more likely to fall (e.g. arthritis, diabetes)? Does the person have any problems with their balance or feel they may fall? Is the person unable to rise from a knee-height chair unaided? Does the person have a fear of falling?
How does it work The KFRS officer uses judgement around whether the falls risk assessment needs to be completed. The pre-screens are emailed to the Kent Falls Prevention Service.
The Falls Prevention Service The Falls Prevention Service allocate an Access to Resources Centre (A2R) depending on geographical location. A2R contacts the client and arranges a community nurse practitioner to visit.
Possible Client Outcomes Postural classes – balance Exercise classes – movement GP referral - review of medication Referral to home improvement team – adaptions Enhanced home safety/vulnerable visit Referral to other agencies such as Age UK, Carers First, Voluntary Action West Kent
Benefits to all partners Home safety referrals – KFRS Community signposting – all partners Reduced number of elderly fallers Reduced acute care costs Fallers can be tracked on the pathway journey Evaluation through the Falls Prevention Service and respective CCG
Results so far DGS is the first CCG in Kent ready to pilot the Falls Pathway with Kent Public Health and KFRS. Other CCGS are referring to the Prevention Service but not part of the North Kent pilot. Number for referrals since November 2015 when the pilot launched: 47
Questions Samantha Jones KFRS 01622 692121 07515189243 samantha.jones@kent.fire-uk.org