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Presentation transcript:

Conv1 Exam Prep.

Units Unit 6 – Managing Life Unit 7 – Relationships Unit 8 – What if A – Future (will, going to, simple present) B – Do and Make / better, ought, might, have , got, rather not. Unit 7 – Relationships A – who / that / which B – phrasal verbs C – I guess / think / sort of / a little bit Unit 8 – What if A – I wish / hope / If + past verb ... Would / could B – Would C – If I were you. Unit 10 – What’s up ? A – Present perfect continuous / present perfect. B – Already, still, yet (since & for) Unit 11 – Impressions A - Must / can’t / could / may be / might B - Adj. Ending in –ed and –ing.

Focus Q / stems – some examples WHQ + (are you / will you) ____ ? Are you ____ ? Will you ____ ? What do you think I (ought, have) to do about _____? Do you know someone/thing that you + verb + _______ ? Who is someone that you ______ ? If you / your ___, what would you do? How long has it been since you ____ ? Have you ____________ yet? Do you think ____ ?

Linkages - Themes Managing Life What if? Relationships What’s up?

Linkages A: What’s up? B: Not much, how have you been going? A: Pretty well, but I wish I had more free time. If I had some more time, I’d catch up with my friends. B: How long since you’ve seen them? A: Not too long – I haven’t seen them for a few weeks. I’m going to see them during my vacation though. B: So, what have you been doing? Studying? A: No, I’ve been working with a guy who I met ... What’s up? PPC? Wish / If? Time Future That/which/who Prediction

Questions What are you doing tomorrow night? What’s a decision you’re going to make soon? What’s something you’d rather not spend time on? What’s something you’ve done a lot of thinking about recently? Do you have any friends different from you? What’s the best way to _______ ? If you could change something about your life, what would you change? What would you do if _______ ? Have you done anything special recently? Have you eaten at / seen_________ yet ?

Grammar Ex. P64 no.4.

Advisable / necessary / preferable. You’d better make up with her. (need/have/should) You might want to eat faster … (got / ought / need) I’m going to have to rob a bank. (might want / need) He’s got to get a job right away. (ought / has) You don’t have to do your homework. (rather / not necessary) I’d rather not buy it. (don’t have to /prefer not to) You ought to volunteer. (should / need)

That / which / who Who and that refers to people. That and which refer to groups or things. Leave(y/n) Yesterday, I saw a guy who / which had a mohawk. Sue is a girl that / which I went travelling with. I’m involved in a club who / which goes away every weekend. He made a decision which / who he must live with for the rest of his life.

Phrasal Verbs Get along, settle down, signed up, came back, work out, going out, turns(ed) out, flew back, hung out, hang out, break up, grew up. Check the meaning with your partner. What does _____ mean ? Are there other meanings? Use it in a sentence if possible.

PPC Vs. PP. A: Have you ______________ (be/go) out recently? B: Yes, I have ________ out twice. A: What have you _______ (do)? B: I ____________ (make) a plan. A: Who have you ____________ (be/play) soccer with? B: I have ____________with some guys from uni.

P95. no. 3 Talk P96. no.4 P 127. no.1 -2

Wishes - Would and Could A wish is something you would like to be true. I wish I weren’t so busy [wish + past form] Could is the past of can. The if clause says what needs to be true to get what you want. If clause – resulting clause [If + past form] + [would / could + verb] Use would in the result if it is something you definitely want. if … I would buy a house! Use could if it’s one of several possibilities. If … I could buy a house.

Could is the past tense of can, but it also has uses apart from that--and that is where the confusion lies. Could past tense of can It refers to an ability that a person generally had in the past or to something that was generally possible in the past  “When I was younger, I could run for miles," or "It used to be you could buy lunch for a dollar." Can Ability could  Possibility can is used to show ability  Could refers to something that you believe is likely to be true or to happen We can have as many as ten people for dinner tonight”. (so enough room) “We could have as many as ten people come to dinner tonight” (possibility) To something that you wish to have or do but that is not possible describe something that was possible but did not happen express annoyance or another strong emotion “If only we could be free of this tyrant!“ “We could have won if we had practiced harder” "I could have died I was so embarrassed!" Questioning (politely) Could/ Can you show me the way to … ?

Would Used to talk about a possible situation that has not happened or that you are imagining "I would quit my job if I won the lottery." It is also used with have to describe a situation that could have happened but did not  "She would have eaten less if she had known there was going to be dessert." Like could, would  is used to describe something that you think is likely to be true or likely to happen  "I think the meal would [=could] feed ten people." Would can also be used or). to ask polite questions to wish for something "Would you mind if I had another cup of tea?" "I wish she would write a book."

It has several distinct uses that can and could do not, however: and it is used to give opinions it is used to express a willingness to do something it is used to express frustration with something that you believe a person always does ("I wouldn't do that if I were you," or "I would say that she is in her 30s. [=it is my opinion that she is between 30 and 39 years old]"); ("I would be happy to take her to the airport"); ("Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?  He always says that!"). 

Adj (–ed / -ing). She’s so annoyed / annoying! She’s always gossiping! I’m so boring / bored. I never do anything! My mother is so frustrated / frustrating. My father won’t give her any money / My father is so frustrated / frustrating . He won’t let me stay out late. It’s so shocking / shocked about the girl who was bullied.