Reporting: Beginner User Austin Kellerman and Samantha Cuellar
What are we covering? Reporting basics People Reports Record Reports Reports from search screens 1-Click Reports
Reporting Basics How to get there: Tools>Reports>New Report
Reporting Basics cont’d… Select Report Type
Reporting Basics cont’d… Field Selection vs. Criteria Selection Fields = Information that will appear once the excel is generated Criteria = Things to filter by; used to narrow down results
Reporting Basics cont’d… Field Selection
Reporting Basics cont’d… Criteria Selection
Reporting Basics cont’d… Generate On-Line (Quick View) Generate Excel (no save) Save:
People Reports Example: All active Employer Contacts who have logged in within the last 2 years
Record Reports Example: Jobs with a post date from 8/1/2015 – 5/1/2016
Database Search Results Example: Databases>Students>Search Select filtering for search Status=Active, Applicant Type=Student
1-Click Reports 1-Click Reports locating on left hand side
Q & A
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