East Asia SWG 5 The student will describe the interaction of physical and human systems that have shaped contemporary South Asia, Southeastern Asia and Eastern Asia c. Analyze the impact of topography and climate on population distribution in the region. d. Describe the Various ethnic and religious groups in the region and the effect of geography on their development and their major customs and traditions. g. Describe the Pacific Rim and its cultural, political and economic significance
China’s Economy China is largely rural society, agriculturally self-sufficient Only 13% of land is suitable for farming During communism, industrial growth stunted 1980s-present: economy moving towards a market economy World’s largest workforce Cheap labor Will soon be the world’s largest economy
China’s Population Patterns One-fifth of world’s people live in China population is about 1.3 billion 70% of people live in 12 eastern provinces in west, 6% of nation’s people live on 55% of its land Climate & topography contribute to this West: Mountains & deserts—arid & semiarid East: Plains & rivers—humid subtropical & humid continental
China’s Overpopulation Over 1 billion people Government has tried to stall population growth One Child Policy: more info to come! World’s largest workforce Large number of migrant workers Rural to urban Eastern cities have high population densities Pollution, bicycles, government housing
Korean History China and Japan conquer Korea throughout history Japan conquers Korea in 1910, rules until WWII defeat in 1945 After WWII: NK controlled by USSR SK controlled by U.S. In 1950, NK troops invade SK, begin Korean War 1953 treaty ends war, divides peninsula NK is Communist state, SK is democracy two nations remain hostile reunification discussions have begun
Korean Culture Korea is an example of one nation divided between 2 states Korea adopts many philosophical, religious ideas from China Confucian, Buddhist influences Both North and South Korea build huge armies after WWII Danger of war always looms—2 million troops on both sides of border
Japan’s Economy Post-war economic boom makes Japan’s economy second in size to U.S 75% live in cities; 60% live on 2.7% of land Japan imports resources to manufacture products for export exports autos, electronics, computers
Japan’s Population Issues Rapidly aging population because of low birth rate Improved health care and a healthy living has led to people living longer Life expectancy: 83 (men: 80, women:87) High population density Central areas of Japan are mountainous and the coastal areas are where the population lives