Slide 1 How Coyote Stole Fire A Native American Tale How do you keep warm when it is cold outside? How do you think people used to keep warm long ago? Long ago, people loved the warm days of spring, the hot days of summer, and the cool days of autumn. They were happy during those times. But when the autumn days grew short and chilly, people feared the coming of the long, ice-cold months of winter. “If only we had a small piece of the sun in our teepees to prevent us from getting so cold,” they would say. Coyote heard the people and felt sorry for them. He knew of a mountaintop where three Fire Creatures lived. The Fire Creatures had fire, but they guarded it and kept it only for themselves. “I will go to the mountaintop,” said brave Coyote. “I will bring fire back so people will not be cold.”
Slide 2 How Coyote Stole Fire A Native American Tale (Cont.) So Coyote sped to the mountaintop and crept quietly to where the Fire Creatures lived. He watched all day and night as the Fire Creatures tended their fire. He saw how they fed it dry leaves and branches to keep the flames alive. He saw how they took turns guarding it at night. He saw that, in the early morning light, the Creature guarding the fire hurried into the teepee to rest. And he observed that the next Creature was slow coming out to take a turn. Coyote had a plan. He sped down the mountain and spoke to his animal friends. “The people are cold and unhappy when winter comes,” he said. “I have found something that will keep them warm. But I need your help.” “We will help,” replied the animals. Coyote told them his plan. Then he sped back to the mountaintop. He watched all day and through the night. At last, the early morning light arrived. The Creature on guard hurried into the teepee. The next Creature was slow to come out. In that time, Coyote sprang from the bushes, snatched a glowing stick from the fire, and sped back down the mountainside.
Slide 3 How Coyote Stole Fire A Native American Tale (Cont.) The Fire Creatures chased after Coyote. One reached out and grabbed the tip of Coyote’s tail. This burning hot touch was enough to turn the hairs on the tip of his tail white. And that’s why, even today, coyotes have white tips on their tails. Coyote flung the fire to Squirrel, who put it on her back and escaped through the treetops. But the fire scorched Squirrel’s fur so that her tail curled up. And that’s why, even today, squirrels’ tails curl up over their backs. Squirrel then threw the fire to Chipmunk. As Chipmunk turned to run, a Fire Creature clawed Chipmunk’s back, making three stripes with its flaming claws. And that’s why, even today, chipmunks have three stripes on their backs. Chipmunk threw the fire to Frog. A Fire Creature grabbed Frog’s tail. But Frog leaped away, leaving his tail behind in the Fire Creature’s hand. And that’s why, even today, frogs have no tails. Then Frog threw the fire to Wood. And Wood swallowed it.
Slide 4 How Coyote Stole Fire A Native American Tale (Cont.) The Fire Creatures surrounded Wood, but they could not get their fire back. They promised to give Wood gifts. But Wood kept the fire. They sang to Wood, and they shouted, “Give us our fire back!” Still Wood kept the fire. They clawed at Wood. Yet Wood kept the fire. So the Fire Creatures gave up and went back to their mountaintop. But Coyote knew how to get the fi re from Wood. He showed people how to rub two dry sticks together. And he showed them how to spin a sharpened stick in a hole in another piece of wood to make fire. So today, coyotes’ tails have white tips. Squirrels’ tails curl over their backs. Chipmunks have three stripes. Frogs have no tails. And people have fire. They keep warm even in the ice-cold months of winter. Unit 2, Week 3 1. When have you felt brave? What brave thing did you do? 2. How might you feel if your pet escaped from your house? How could you find it? 3. Who should you call if you see a flaming building? 4. What is there in your house that glows? 5. How does a hen guard her eggs? 6. If you look out the window, what can you observe about today’s weather? 7. What can you do to prevent yourself from getting cold? 8. What could scorch a grassy field? 9. What are some things people build to surround a yard? 10. What do you need to tend plants?