Welcome to Art 1! Why? Imagine… You are going to be in this room, with this group of people for a total of 7560 minutes. Why? Why are you in this place? What are we going to experience together? What are you going to receive and what are you going to give to others?
Art 1 Most importantly – you will begin to trust your own creativity. Foundations Course You will be introduced to many different mediums (art materials) and techniques. Most importantly – you will begin to trust your own creativity. Trust that still small voice that says, “This might work and I’ll try it”
Pick one………
Pick one………
Mediums & Techniques to be explored... Collage (principles of design) Color theory – painting skills and technique Drawing Printmaking Ceramics Folk Art (research, media choice) Mask (3D Project)
Drawing I am going to teach you! Drawing is a learned skill, not a magical ability! You don’t have to know how to draw now. I am going to teach you!
Color Theory
Printmaking is fun
Printmaking - relief 7th Period - 15/16
Printing Process Abigayle Pool & Tabitha Marcum 15/16
Ceramics – Tea Bowls
2015/2016 – Tea Parties
Painting Project (Folk Art Reflection & Media Choice)
Masks (15/16 Demos) Andrea Barker Tristan Cordle
8th period 2012/2013
Art 1 - then what? Art 2, printmaking & Painting Art 4 – Portfolio & Art Explorations Zach Springer - Art 4
Pick one………
I hope you have the time of your life…. WELCOME to ART 1! I hope you have the time of your life….