Chapter 3 – 1 External roots Dr. Dipa Brahmbhatt VMD, MpH VTHT 1205 Chapter 3 – 1 External roots Dr. Dipa Brahmbhatt VMD, MpH
ROOTS Blepharospasm Thoracocentesis Jejunotomy Pneumothorax External Anatomy Blepharospasm Thoracocentesis Internal Anatomy Jejunotomy Pneumothorax
Head Eyelid Eyelash, Small hairlike structure Hair/ hairlike structure Angle at either end of eye Pupil Iris Eye Nose Cheek Face Lips Teeth Tongue Gums Skin capito/cephalo cilio/tricho blepharo oculo/ ophthalmo irido cantho coro naso bucco facio cheilo/chilo/labio odonto/dento glosso/linguo gingivo derma/ dermo/ dermato
Back of head Mouth Hair Jaw Neck Chest/ thorax Back Belly/ underside of quadruped Penis Arm/Foreleg Wrist (human) Ankle (human) OR edge of eyelid occipito Pilo/tricho dorso cervico oro/stom/stomato gnatho thoraco/ stetho ventro brachio phallo tarso carpo
Body Ear Flank/ abdomen Nail/ claw Digit, toe Nipple/ nipple shaped projection Mammary gland Foot/ foot shaped Somato/ somatic oto laparo podo mammo/masto papillo onycho dactylo
Group Make up 4 PROFOUND sentences (jingle/statement/factual/relative/story) using the 4th powerpoint slide E.g.In medieval England de/capit/a/tion (remove/reverse-head-state/condition) was a common form of capital punishment for treason